
History of Multicultural Education

  • Engel vs. Vitale

    Engel vs. Vitale
    In this case, the challenge of religion in schools is faced, when Engel argues that it is against the First Amendment to require students to start their school day off with a prayer(which was decided by Vitale).
    The U.S Supreme Court ruled that students have the option to leave during that time.
  • Lindon Johnson signs the ESEA legislature

    Lindon Johnson signs the ESEA legislature
    The federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act was a huge step in our education system. This Act provides every student equal opportunity to learn regardless of race, disabilities, language, and poverty.
  • American Indian Education Act

    American Indian Education Act
    The purpose of this act was to recognize the academic needs of Indian Education. This act recognizes the culture and language of American Indians.
  • Lau v. Nichols

    Lau v. Nichols
    When the San Francisco school system failed to provide proper teaching to about 1,800 Chinese students who did not know english, the United States Supreme Court came to agreement that it lacked the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Schools now had to take into consideration that some students do not know english.
  • Garity Busing Ruling

    Garity Busing Ruling
    Federal Judge, Arthur Garrity Jr. ordered to desegregate Boston's public schools because most of the students were minorities. His decision causes a great deal of controversy. However, Garrit knew that people would not accept it but he had to do what was right considering the facts.
  • Immigration and Nationality Act of 1990

    Immigration and Nationality Act of 1990
    George W. Bush signed this act into law which allowed 700,00 immigrants to come to the country every year. This provides benefits to immigrants such as family based immigration visa, five employment based immigration visas, categorization by occupation, and diversity visa program.
  • Proposition 187

    Proposition 187
    Californians voted on Proposition 187 which made immigrants living in the country without permission by the government to be declined public benefits. Police, healthcare providers, and teachers were required to report immigration status of all immigrants. This was challenged by ACLU and others and eventually was overturned.
  • Ebonics Resolution

    Ebonics Resolution
    In Oakland, California, the school board passed a resolution which recognized Ebonics, which was argued to be English that is in a different dialect or other language spoken by African Americans. The Resolution declared for federal education funds to support the Ebonic program.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    George W. Bush signed into the law which replaces the Bilingual Act of 1968. This act holds schools accountable for student outcomes and provides funds to better their academic programs.It also requires that students pass annual standardized tests.
  • Obama allows transgender community to access bathrooms in public schools.

    Obama allows transgender community to access bathrooms in public schools.
    Obama calls on public school district to allow transgenders to enter the bathroom of the sex that they choose to claim. Title IX claims that they should not be asked of proof of sex. This is a huge step for the transgender community and provides is one step closer to a equal country.