histor of abiriginol

  • First Nations

    Nearly 142 000 Abiriginol people are members of 70 diffrent First Nation communacation in Saskachawan
  • FN population

    According to the 2006 census, Canadas largest Abiriginal populations are in Ontario and the western province.
  • Inut

    Approximatily 200 Inut live in Saskachawan
  • Recources

    The abirgonal people use plants as medicen and food.They also use animals for clothing and food.
  • Languge

    These diverse people speake diffrent languages, including Cree, Dene, Nakawe, Dakota, Lakota, and Nakota
  • Canadas abiriginols

    Some experts predict that by 2045 Abiriginol people will make up about one third of Saskatchewan total population
  • life style

    The abiriganols lived in huts in the woods years ago and some still do.