HIGE Assessment

  • Needed jobs

    Lots of people needed jobs because lots of people were pore and jobs were kind of hard to get.
  • poverty and crime

    Lots of people would steal because food was very expensive and not a lot of people had a lot of money so they would steal for there family to live.
  • Send convicts

    The British would send convicts to the USA but the USA got to full so they had to stop sending them there and send them some were else.
  • Overcrowded

    The city's were overcrowded so they needed some were to put convicts to stay.
  • Death and loss

    Lots of people died and got taken to jail because lots of people were very pore back in those days.
  • Captain James Cook charts the east coast and claims it from the British government

    Captain James Cook charts the east coast and claims it from the British government
    Captain James Cook carts the east coast of Australia and claims it from the British Government.
  • First Fleet

    First Fleet
    The First Fleet drops anchor in Sydney Cove.
  • Free Settlers

    Free Settlers
    The First Free Settlers (total of nine) arrived is New South Wales.
  • Convict Settlement

    Convict Settlement
    The Convict Settlement established on Van Demands Land (Tasmania)
  • The Explores Cross the blue mountains

    The Explores Cross the blue mountains
    The Explores Blaxland, Wentworth and Lawson cross the Blue Mountains west of Sydney.
  • Explores John Oxley discovers Liverpool Plains.

    Explores John Oxley discovers Liverpool Plains.
    Explores John Oxley discovers Liverpool Plains in inland New South Wales.
  • Explores Hume and Hovell trek from Lake George to Port Phillip Bay.

    Explores Hume and Hovell trek from Lake George to Port Phillip Bay.
    Explores Hume and Hovell trek south from Lake George, New South Wales, to the shores of Port Phillip Bay.
  • Free Settlers discover the City Perth

    Free Settlers discover the City Perth
    Free Settlers establish a settlement which is now know as the city of Perth.
  • Troops killed between 15 and 30 aboriginal people during the battle Pinjarra

    Troops killed between 15 and 30 aboriginal people during the battle Pinjarra
    Troops killed between 15 and 30 aboriginal people during what became known as the battle of Pinjarra.
  • poverty and crime

    Lots of people would steal to help save there family because they were pore and food there was very expensive. Lots of didn't have enough money to afford food.