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    Realization of Herpes

    Realization of Herpes
    100 AD Greek doctor Herodotus gave the first reliable and detailed description of the sores caused by the HSV virus. Herodotus gave the virus its name.
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    King Tiberius Tries to stop of spread of Herpes

    King Tiberius Tries to stop of spread of Herpes
    In AD14 King Tiberius attempted to stop the spread of Herpes by banning kissing.
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    The First Notes

    The First Notes
    In AD 30 Aulus Cornleius Celsus was the first to take note of these sores, and write down what they actually look like, and take a note of them.
  • Jan 1, 1500

    More Noted Cases

    More Noted Cases
    With HSV spreading around, even poets recognized the signs and symptoms of what would become "Herpes". In the 1500's, Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, he talks about HSV. "O'er ladies lips, who straight on kisses dream, which oft the angry Mab with blisters plagues, because their breaths with sweetmeats tainted are."
  • Identifying Herpes

    Identifying Herpes
    The French physician, Astruc first identified Herpes as a genital infection in 1736.
  • Discovery of the transmission

    Discovery of the transmission
    Intimate human- to human transmission was discovered as the cause of Herpes.
  • Finding different strains of HSV (Herpes Simplex Virus)

    Finding different strains of HSV (Herpes Simplex Virus)
    In 1906, it was named "Herpes Simplex" with different strains such as "Herpes Labialis", and "Herpes Progentalis". As this certain time though, they believed that oral blisters also caused genital ones.
  • Comfirmed Contagious

    Comfirmed Contagious
    Lowenstein comfirmed the Herpes Virus infectious,and contagious.
  • Relizing that herpes isn't transmitted through blood

    Relizing that herpes isn't transmitted through blood
    Ernest Goodpasture proved that herpes weren't spread through blood, but spread through skin to skin contact affecting the skin and the central nervous system.
  • They discovered HSV could lay dormant

    In 1939 Frank LacFarlane Burnet developed the theory that HSV lies dormant and reappears throughout and infected persons life.
  • HSV was Identified and described

  • Prescriptions come out for HSV

    Prescriptions come out for HSV
    In 1978 Gertrude Elion developed an antiviral called Acyclovir which was tested on infected humans
  • Oral treatment becomes available

    Oral treatment becomes available
    Around the 1980's oral treatment for Herpes Simplex Virus was released to help with oral outbreaks
  • Herpes labled an STD

    Herpes labled an STD
    The scientific community acknowedged Herpes as a sexually transmitted disease.