health - alen - 1st hour

By beslic
  • Health Triangle(social)

    Health Triangle(social)
    5.during: he felt helpless. after: He got over it.
  • Health Triangle(Social) pt 1

    Health Triangle(Social) pt 1
    1.He overcomes any challenge by first saying that he can do it.
  • Health Triangle(social)

    Health Triangle(social)
    2.she will achieve the same way as she is trying to overcome a challenge. By saying she can first.
  • health Triangle(Social) pt 1

    health Triangle(Social) pt 1
    3.It won't physically bother me. Just mentally and socially
    3b.There is multiple methods but the one I usually use is just let time
  • Health Triangle(social)

    Health Triangle(social)
    1. Makes a pledge to stay abstinent.
  • Health Triangler(social)

    Health Triangler(social)
    4.If I get involved, if I get killed by my friends while driving, will they drink to much and die? will there family members find out?
  • Health Triangle(social) pt 1

    Health Triangle(social) pt 1
    9.Eat Soup, Drink Syrup, and sleep a lot
    9b.Take shots, Take Vitamins, Excercise
  • Health Triangle(social)

    Health Triangle(social)
    1. Puberty begins.
    want to prove yourself to peers, brain releases hormone
  • Health Triangle(social) pt 2

    Health Triangle(social) pt 2
    6.Diatbetes, Cancer, Hepatitus, food poisoning. 7.Lung Cancer, Rotting teeth, Death 8.Dont't drink and drive, Let me drive I haven't been drinking