
HD 101 Project 1

  • Conception

    A Sperm and and Egg fuse and begin rapidly dividing.
  • The Baby's First Heart Beat (5 weeks)

    The Baby's First Heart Beat (5 weeks)
    The baby's heart begin to beat but can't be heard in an ultrsound yet. It beats twice as fast as the heart of a typical human.
  • Begins to Grow Hair (week 14)

    Begins to Grow Hair (week 14)
    Even though the baby's skin is thin and transparent, tiny hairs begin to grow.
  • Sex is Determined (week 16)

    Sex is Determined (week 16)
    The gender can be determined in a ultrasound.
  • One Pound (week 18)

    One Pound (week 18)
    The baby weighs 1 pound at this point. It still cannot survive outside of the womb.
  • Mother Feels Movement (week 20)

    Mother Feels Movement (week 20)
    The baby has grown large and strong enough that her mother can feel her moving.
  • Baby's Eyes Open (week 21)

    Baby's Eyes Open (week 21)
    For the first time, the baby's eyes open.
  • Fully Functioning (28 Weeks)

    Fully Functioning (28 Weeks)
    The baby's lungs have developed enough that if she were born, she would be able to survive on her own.
  • Birth

    Approximately nine months after conception, the baby is born.
  • First Smile (5 Weeks)

    First Smile (5 Weeks)
    The baby shows that she is happy by smiling.
  • Can Hold Her Head Up (2 Months)

    Can Hold Her Head Up (2 Months)
    By 2 months old, she can hold her head up by herself.
  • Copies Sounds and Faces (3 Months)

    Copies Sounds and Faces (3 Months)
    The baby sees faces and tries to mimic them. She can babble and immitate some simple sounds.
  • Can Roll Over (4 Months)

    Can Roll Over (4 Months)
    She can now roll from her stomach to her back.
  • Sits Without Support (4 and a half Months)

    She can now keep herself sitting up right without any help.
  • Recognizes Faces (5 Months)

    Recognizes Faces (5 Months)
    The baby can recognize faces and knows when she meets a stranger.
  • Stands with Support

    Stands with Support
    She can stand as long as she has something to hold onto to keep her balanced.
  • Bounces when Standing (5 and a half Months)

    Bounces when Standing (5 and a half Months)
    She can stand when holding onto something to keep her balance. When in this position she can use her developing leg muscles to bounce up and down.
  • Understands "yes" and "no"

    Understands "yes" and "no"
    Understands very simple words like "yes" and "no."
  • Crawls (6 Months)

    Crawls (6 Months)
  • Sits Up by Herself (6 and a half Months)

    Sits Up by Herself (6 and a half Months)
    She can put herself into a sitting position without and assistance.
  • Makes Simple Sounds

    Makes Simple Sounds
    She can say very simple words like "mama." Makes a lot of babbling sounds.
  • Plays Simple Games

    Plays Simple Games
    Enjoys playing simple games like Hide-and-go-Seek and Peek-a-Boo.
  • Uses Simple Gestures

    Uses Simple Gestures
    Waves hello and goodbye and shakes head for yes and no
  • Helps when Getting Dressed (11 Months)

    Helps when Getting Dressed (11 Months)
    She knows how to put out her hands and legs when getting dressed to help.
  • Stands Alone

    Stands Alone
    She can keep her balance when standing without any support.
  • Uses Tools Correctly (12 months)

    Uses Tools Correctly (12 months)
    When she sees something like a cup or a hair brush, she knows to use them for a specific purpose.
  • Follows Simple Commands

    Follows Simple Commands
    Follows directions when told to "pick up toys" or "finish your juice"
  • Knows Some Body Parts

    Knows Some Body Parts
    When she is asked to point to her nose, she can do it.
  • Says Some Words

    Says Some Words
    Begins to say harder words like "food," "chair," "milk," or "dog."
  • Eats with a Spoon

    Eats with a Spoon
    Is able to eat byherself with a spoon
  • Walk Alone

    Walk Alone
    Still wobbly, she can take a few steps by herself.
  • Says Simple Sentences

    Says Simple Sentences
  • Second Birthday

    Second Birthday