Half Small Half Big

By tro2422
  • war

    It was a war for land. This war was to prove who is the strongest,bravest,and leader. It was the biggest war the country had. It hurt are people because it was killing lifes,burning down houses,and killing people that arn't doing anything. Now the country was split up to two parts.
  • Gold

    A business was digging for coal since it was already a big thing, but one dude thought we are just digging in this one area what if we go farther. So him and a group of guys went 200 miles east. They had found just grass lands. They thought this was a good spot. They has started digging when they hit something hard. They didn't know what it was, They took it to a scientest and found out it was gold. They became some of the richest people in the country.
  • Phones

    Half small Half big did not get phones until we finally found out that they were made. We started getting them all over the country. They sold from 100-200 dollars. People thought they were the best time of their life. Now a days they are just antiques now in the country we you i phones
  • Peace

    over about 1,000 years two people were best friends. they were on different sides. They didn't know how to come to each others houses to play. So one night they had snuck out of their houses to go to the line where they had always meet. They said to each other we need to fix this. So they started trying to say that all sides were even. Some people listened and started helping. Which got more,more,and more people. Now these to parts of the country were back together as one big country.
  • Leader

    Since the sides had rejoined. They had to pick a leader. They had done a thing called the hunger games. It was dangeous but that is what the country was about being strong.