Gun made out of guns

Gun Legislation Timeline

  • National Firearms Act (NFA)

    Mandated the Taxation and Registration of certain firearms
  • Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act

    Set rules fcr obtaing wire tap orders
  • Firearm Owners Protection Act (FOPA)

    -mandated that ATF compliance inspections can be done only once per year
    -can authorize the transfer of a machine gun to an unlicensed civilian
    -people traveling from one place to another can't be incarcerated for a firearms offense in a state that has strict gun control laws if the traveler is just passing through
    -forbade the U.S. Government agency from keeping a registry directly linking non-National Firearms Act firearms to their owners
  • Undetectable Firearms Act

    bans any firearms with low enough metal content to pass through metal detectors
  • Gun-Free School Zones Act

    prohibits firearms in school zones
  • Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act

    Implements Background Checks for Gun Purchases in the U.S.
  • Federal Assault Weapons Ban

    Prohibited the making of certain semi-automatic weapons for civilian use
  • Federal Assault Weapons Ban Expires

    Ended the restrictions created by the U.S. Assault Weapon Ban of 1994
  • Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act

    Kept firearms dealers from being accountable for any resulting criminal activity