Greek influence on the atom

  • 300

    BC Aristotle

    Aristotle, Did not follow Democritus' theory and believed in reasoning instead of scientific experimentation.
  • Period: 300 to 500

    BC (reverse)

    its reversed
  • 370

    BC Democritus

    Democritus explains his theory about the existence in atoms and its features. Attempted to create Materialism.
  • 430

    BC Democritus

    Democritus said Atomic Theory revolved around atoms that are present in the atmosphere.
  • 460

    BC Empedocles

    Empedocles, a Greek philosopher and scientist, proposed one of the first theories that attempted to describe the things around us.
  • 500

    BC Leucippus

    Greek philosopher Leucippus helped developed the concept of the atom.