Great depression

Great Depression Timeline

  • Hoover Becomes President

    Hoover Becomes President
    Hoover became president during this time winning against Governor Al Smith who was from New York.
  • Stock Market Crash

    Stock Market Crash
    The Stock Market Crash aka Black Tuesday was a day when people would unloaded their stock as quickly as they could. Banks facing debt demanded that people should pay a payment for loans and for the ones who couldn't pay it off remained in debt until the loan was payed off.
  • Dust Bowl

    Dust Bowl
    When drought has occurred making the terrain extremely dry. One day the winds started picking up making the dust from the dry soil lift up because of the extreme winds and began to blow across America. It became dark early because of the dust was blowing around everywhere making it difficult to see meaning they had to turn on street lights early in order to brighten up the streets a little.
  • Scottsboro Boys Trail Begins

    Scottsboro Boys Trail Begins
    The Scottsboro Boys were arrested for vagrancy and disorderly conduct. In Alabama because of this event they went to court and the all-white jury sentenced all but one of the boys to death.
  • Bonus Army

    Bonus Army
    In 1932, Fifteen thousand WW1 veterans marched on Washington and demanded for early payment. The soldiers ended up setting up a camps near the capital building. The senate ended up rejecting their request. By July President Hoover wanted the soldiers gone, so he ordered police to clear out the camps. The officers fired into the crowd killing 2 veterans.
  • Roosevelt Elected for President

    Roosevelt Elected for President
    The election happened with two candidates to become president. To two candidates who stepped up for president was Hoover and Roosevelt. At the time Hoover's popularity was at an all time low and because of his response to the Great Depression the people were desperate for change. Henceforth, Roosevelt was voted for president.
  • Glass-Steagall Act

    Glass-Steagall Act
    Roosevelt replaced the Emergency Banking Act with the Glass Steagall Act which prohibited commercial banks from engaging in investment banking. This act also created the FDIC which insured personal bank deposits up to $2,500.
  • The End of the Great Depression

    The End of the Great Depression
    The Great Depression was finally over thanks to president Roosevelt. He took action to the situation by creating laws and giving people opportunity to help get out of this dark times we call the Great Depression.
  • The First New Deal

    The First New Deal
    Franklin D. Roosevelt launched a new deal where he had created the Emergency Banking Act where all the banks were closed down.
  • Second New Deal

    Second New Deal
    When the second new deal was made a created a new set of programs including additional banking reforms, new tax laws, and new relief programs.
  • Hoover Dam Completed

    Hoover Dam Completed
    The Hoover Dam was completed and provided hydroelectricity across America.
  • World War 2

    World War 2
    After the Great Depression had ended something much bigger is coming. The world's second world war had began to take action. It started because Germany invaded Poland causing Great Britain and France to declare war on Germany.