
Great Depression

  • Stock Market Crash

    Stock Market Crash
    Known as "Black Tuesday" the stock market crashes which will have a ripple effect on the economy.
  • The Bank of the United States fails

    The Bank of the United States fails
    The fourth-largest bank in the nation closes. It is the largest bank failure in history at that time.
  • Bonus Army

    Bonus Army
    World War 1 Veterans march on Washington demanding pensions.
  • 1932 Election

    1932 Election
    Franklin D. Roosevelt wins the election and becomes the 32nd president.
  • The New Deal

    The New Deal
    President Roosevelt launches the New Deal, which is supposed to help Americans get jobs and make the economy stable again.
  • Black Sunday

    Black Sunday
    The worst dust storm ever occurs. FDR passed the Soil Conservation Act to teach farmers sustainable methods.
  • Creating Jobs

    Creating Jobs
    The Emergency Relief Appropriation created the Works Progress Administration to hire 8.5 million people.
  • World War 2 in the making

    World War 2 in the making
    Hitler conquered France and bombed London. U.S. began sending arms to Britain. Congress reinstated the military draft.