Great Depression

  • Unemployment

    During 1929, unemployment rates were falling from 3.2% for the year average to 24% later in the depression.
  • Wall Street Crash

    Wall Street Crash
    A major stock market crash that happened in 1929. Also caused the start of the great dsepression
  • Market Crash

    Market Crash
    Market crashes and banks get closed down
  • Food Riots

    Food Riots
    Food riots emerge from the US. That's also when food started being shorted.
  • Roosevelt was elected

    Roosevelt was elected
    Since FDR was elected, he made the new deal plan and saves many jobs
  • Boxing

    Boxing was famous during the great depression and helped many people support their families
  • New Deals

    New Deals
    New deals passed by FDR promised to make banks work better and get jobs for people who are unemployed.
  • Bank Holiday

    Bank Holiday
    FDR Calls it a bank holiday, so he can fix banks, and make it not sound as bad.
  • Social Security

    Social Security
    The Social Security Act is signed and protecting people
  • Dust Bowl

    Dust Bowl
    From 1930 to 1936, there was a massive dust storm called "Dust bowl" that gave numerous people lung problems and damaged houses.
  • Roosevelt Round 2

    Roosevelt Round 2
    FDR Gets inaugurated for his 2nd term
  • WWII

    World War 2 begins as the great depression ends.