The Life of Grace Rueda, By Alexis L.

  • Grace Rueda was born

    Grace Rueda was born on April 7, 1957
  • The U.S. Congress approved the first civil rights bill

    On April 29, 1957 the U.S. congress approved the first civil rights bill, considering that they were trying to fix the protection of voting rights.
  • Dr. Suess publishes The Cat in the Hat

    Dr. Suess publishes The Cat in the Hat
    On May 24, 1957 Dr. suess publishes The Cat in the Hat. Theodore Geisel a.k.a Dr. Suess wrote the book, The Cat in the Hat after he read a Life Magazine article by John Hersey. The article was called "Why Do Students Bog Down on First R?
  • Sputnik 1 launched

    Sputnik 1 launched
    On October 4, 1957 at 7:28 PM Sputnik 1 launched. Sputnik 1 was the first artificial Earth satellite. It was 58 cm diameter, with four external radio antennae to show radio waves.
  • First day of kindergarden

    On September 4, 1962 was Grace's first day of kindergarden.
  • John F. Kennedy was assassinated

    John F. Kennedy was assassinated
    On November 22, 1963 John F. Kennedy was assassinated. He was assassinated Lee Harvet Oswald. Some people said that they thought they heard a firecracker or a vehicle backfire when kennedy started to wave.
  • Johnson signs Civil Rights Act

    Johnson signs Civil Rights Act
    President Lyndon Johnson sihns the Civil Rights Act, in a national televised ceremony in the White House.