United states constitution

Gov. Timeline

  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    When British tea ships arrived in Boston Harbor, many citizens wanted the tea sent back to England without the payment of any taxes. They eventually grew tired that no changers where wanted to be made so a group of men disguised as Indian boarded the ships and dumped all the tea in the harbor.
  • Period: to

    Constituion Timeline

  • Declaration of Right and grievances is passed

    Declaration of Right and grievances is passed
    The British Parliament passed a series of laws they referred to as the Coercive Acts. The Acts weere primarily designed to punish the colony of Massachusetts for defying British policies.
  • Declaration of Independence is signed

    Declaration of Independence is signed
    The Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence and used it as an announcement that the thirteen American colonies would no longer be part of the British empire. Since then we now celebrate this independece each year on July 4th.
  • First Continental congress meets

    First Continental congress meets
    The first Continental Congress came to meet in Carpenter's Hall in Philadelphia, from the time of September to October of the year 1774. Many of the colonies that were presented there wanted to show a combined authority to Great Britain but their aims were not uniformed at all. All of the other colonies voices were defensive of their own rights, but evenly divided between those who sought legislative parity.
  • 2nd Continental Congress meets

    2nd Continental Congress meets
    Convened after the American Revolutionary War (1775-83) had already begun. In 1776, it took the momentous step of declaring America's independence from Britain. Five years later, the Congress ratified the first national constitution, the Articles of Confederation, under which the country would be governed until 1789, when it was replaced by the current U.S. Constitution.
  • Revolutionary war begins

    Revolutionary war begins
    700 British troops, on a mission to capture Patriot leaders and seize a Patriot arsenal, march into Lexington to find 77 armed minutemen under Captain John Parker waiting for them on the town's common green.
  • Articles of Confederation is signed

    Articles of Confederation is signed
    It came into effect after approval by Maryland by March 1781. These Articles seved as a bridge between the initial government by the Continental Congress. After the Decleration Congree began to work on the task of drawing up a document that would provide a legal work frame for that Union.
  • Revolutionary War ends

    Revolutionary War ends
    The American Revolution (1775-83) is also known as the American Revolutionary War and the U.S. War of Independence. The conflict arose from growing tensions between residents of Great Britain's 13 North American colonies and the colonial government, which represented the British crown. Skirmishes between British troops and colonial militiamen in Lexington and Concord in April 1775 kicked off the armed conflict, and by the following summer, the rebels were waging a full-scale war for theirindepen
  • Constitutional Congress opens

    Constitutional Congress opens
    intended to revise the Articles of Confederation, the intention from the outset of many of its proponents, chief among them James Madison and Alexander Hamilton, was to create a new government rather than fix the existing one
  • Final draft of the Constitution is signed

    Final draft of the Constitution is signed
    Members of the Constitutional Convention signed the United States Constitution in Philadelphia, This group came in response to dissatisfaction with the Articles of Confederation and the need for a strong centralized government, Although the vote was close in some states, the Constitution was eventually ratified and the new Federal government didnt come into existence until 1789.