Global Disruptions

  • ISIS

    2006 (established)-Today
    Uses Twitter to recruit members and to spread fear. Uses social media to reach different audiences and to share different messages as to have the most impact on each population that they're targeting.
  • Iran's Green Revolution

    Iran's Green Revolution
    Twitter and Facebook were the main social media sites used. They were used to organize protests and share what was happening with the rest of the world.
  • Libya's Revolution

    Libya's Revolution
    Twitter and Facebook were used greatly during this revolution. Twitter was especially used to give updates on what was happening in the country. Facebook was used as a platform to share thoughts as to what happening and to, also, give updates. The page on Facebook "17 Feb Revolution in Libya" was especially popular.
  • Egypt's Revolution

    Egypt's Revolution
    2012- Today
    Facebook was used to organize protests and to share what was going on via the posting of pictures and videos. The video and pictures of Khaled Said being tortured and beat to death was shared all over the internet via social media sites and it showed the brutality of what was happening.
  • Ukraine Revolution

    Ukraine Revolution
    2014- Today
    Facebook was/is used in many ways. It was used to show medical help was needed or where supplies were needed via an interactive map. It also was used to inform on how to destroy (Molotov Cocktails).