Gjenan Ukaj-U.S. History Formative Check

By gjenan
  • Tech Tools

    I made my accounts, cool. I made a bubbl to make charts, didnt need to make a google account because i have this one, and now i have timetoast I am going to keep this timeline for my FORMATIVE CHECK with Mr. Beavers. I will make an entry for EACH DAY of class. I will address the INQUIRY, I will answer the UNIVERSAL QUESTION, and I will explain what my big TAKE AWAY (what I learned) for that day. I will also include a link to my Formative Task. (copied from Beaver to remember what to to)
  • US History Folder Link

  • Day 1

    i think the most important achivements/advancements in the first 100 years of america werent political, or social, but more technological. We started the creating amazing products and tools which would lead into starting the industrial revolution. What i learned from this is America is we were very behind everyone else politically with equal rights.
  • Day 2

    The three branches of Government is the executive branch(enforces law), Legislative branch (makes laws), and the judical branch (interpret laws). I finally learned what the branches are and what they do, i dont have to live a lie.
  • Day 3

    Who is valued were people like vanderbilt and Morgan because they had money and power and were in a higher social class, who was valued were the poor and working class because they were working without many benifits and worked in dangeous confistions with no job security, they were dispensible people. America was best described during this time as fast paced and growing becuase they were new to the world with recent indeoendence and grew into the larget economic power all withing 150 years.
  • Day 3 (cont.)

    what i leared is America progressed really fast and went through a lot in such a short time. What feels like 500 years ago was only 100
  • Day 4 (cont.)

    What i learned from this is how we transitioned into farming to manufactoring.
  • Day 4

    Guilded Age GentsRockefeller, Carnigie, and Morgan were valued and important during the guilded age because they were wealthy and powerful, they set the example of capitilism in the US and helped better the nation by giving money, donating, and building things like libaries and schools
    The rich and powerful people like morgan, rockefeller, and carnigie were people who were valued because they owned all the companies paying everyone. also gave there money to improve things or help which made people value them
  • Day 5

    America was best descibed during this time as very capital and industrial. The wealthy and the worker were not valued equally at all. Wealthy were seen as powerful and important while the workers were little and expendibale. People like Rockefeller, carniiage snd Morgan were valued just like other rich people because they had wealth and power, People like morgan Gave money to the coutnry. Carige gave back. Rockefeller Had to be broken up because he had to much piwer. The working class and poor
  • Day 5 (cont.)

    the poor were not valued. Like with the truangle factory fire they were given little to none saftey and clean space to work in. They were paided poorly, which is why there was a Pullman and Homestead strike. They were paid in food for overtime in the Triangle facotry. They were not valued
  • Day 6 (cont.)

    i learned how bad conditions were to work back then
  • Day 6

    The Triangle FireWorkers found themselves in dangeours cramped unsanitary dirty bad conditioned areas. After the Triangle Factory Fire a few changes slowly happen which led to a lot of different outcomes. Changes that happened were more unions started to get together, more people spoke up, and the Triangle Factory was moved and sued. These changes led to the out come of workers getting better, safer, cleaner, and more regulated working spaces. Factories and companies were now being inspected and held accountable
  • Day 7

    PodcastWorkers found themselves in horrible and unsafe working conditions. for example the triangle factory fire. Small spaces, and no saftey procations Different sides were wanting to save money vs wanting to earn money. easy vs safe
    I learned how horrible workig was and how stingie owners of companies were
  • Day 9

    Push and Pull MapMind Map
    Push and pull factors were the same things. What they didnt have, america had. The push was no food,jobs,money. The pull was we have food,jobs,and money. Different sides of the story were immigrants looking for a better life and americans looking for cheap labor to use and profit. I learned how bad immigrants were treated and how much it hasnt changed
  • Day 10

    CartoonAmerica is still a promise land because there isnt war here, and more oppurtunities, even tho it is very hard to live here without harrasment. Americans are valued, Immigrants are not because they have a different culture, they will do anything for little moeny. Americans see themselves higher up. I learned not much has changed.
  • Day 11

    TaskThe impact chinese imigration had on america is it brought up issues of immigration and imigrants and caused problems to be fixed, which led to certain laws being passed and the constitution being followed.A change was laws being passed and th eoutcome was better lives for chinese immpgrants. America is best described during this time as progressive, we are making it easier and better for immigrants here in America even tho it still sucked.
  • Day 12