German Expansion Timeline

By 81081
  • Hitler's secret meeting

    Hitler's secret meeting
    The dictator of Germany, Hitler meets with his top advisers and decides that he wants to absorb Austria and Czechoslovakia.
  • Germany Marches

    Germany Marches
    Germany marches to and takes over Austria
  • Munich Agreement

    Munich Agreement
    French Prime Minister, Edouard Daladier and British Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain sign a Munich agreement with Hitler and peacefully sign over Sudetenland over to Germany. Sudetenland is a part of Czechoslovakia.
  • Germany Takes Over Czechoslovakia

    Germany Takes Over Czechoslovakia
    Germans march and takeover the rest of Czechoslovakia.
  • Hitler Claims Germans living in Poland are Mistreated

    Hitler Claims Germans living in Poland are Mistreated
    Hitler goes to the news and makes claims that Germans living in Poland are mistreated in the spring of 1939.
  • Nonaggression Pact

    Nonaggression Pact
    Russian dictator, Stalin signs a nonaggression pact with Hitler and declares that Russia and Germany wouldn't attack each other.
  • Secret Pact

    Secret Pact
    A second pact is signed in secret between Germany and the Soviet Union that divides Poland between the two of them
  • Germany Takes over Poland

    Germany Takes over Poland
    Germany invades Poland forcefully as they test their new military strategy, Blitzkrieg. The strategy is a surprise attack where they use their new military technology.
  • Britain and France Declare War

    Britain and France Declare War
    Britain and France declare war on Germany because of the invasion of Poland.
  • The Phony War

    The Phony War
    The following months after the fall of Poland, British and French troops sat on their Maginot line waiting for the Germans to make a move. Germans just sat on their Siegfried line and stared back.
  • Hitler attacks Denmark and Norway

    Hitler attacks Denmark and Norway
    Hitler launches a surprise attack on Denmark and Norway and takes over both of the countries.
  • Hitler Continues to Take Over Countries

    Hitler Continues to Take Over Countries
    By the end of May the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg are overrun by Germany.
  • British, French, and Belgium Troops Cross the Channel

    British, French, and Belgium Troops Cross the Channel
    German's offense trapped thousands of British and French Soldiers on the beaches of Dunkirk of the French side of the English channel. Within a week the troops crossed the channel in their makeshift boats.
  • French Surrender

    French Surrender
    Hitler gives French officers his terms of surrender and they surrender.
  • Charles de Gaulle goes to England

    Charles de Gaulle goes to England
    After the fall of french a french general named Charles de Gaulle flees to England and sets up government-in-exile.
  • Germans begin to prep

    Germans begin to prep
    Summer of 1940 Germans assemble an invasion fleet along the french coast and also launched an air war at the same time
  • German planes range Britain

    German planes range Britain
    On any given night throughout a solid two months German planes flew over Britain and dropped bombs.
  • RAF Brings down German planes

    RAF Brings down German planes
    The RAF shot down over 185 German aircraft while only loosing 26 planes that day.
  • Invasion is called off

    Invasion is called off
    Hitler calls off the German's invasion of Britain a few weeks after loosing over 185 aircraft. Germany and Britain continue to bomb each other's cities.