Geologic time scale

Geologic Timescale

  • Cambrian Period (570-500)

    Cambrian Period (570-500)
    Marine life was present and the first to to develop. However, Trilobites were the dominant species during the Cambrian Period.
  • Ordovician Period (500-435)

    Ordovician Period (500-435)
    Marine animals begin to develop jaws and armored exterior.
    Echinoderms such as starfish and urchins enter during this period.
    But invertebrates are mostly dominant.
  • Silurian Period (435-395)

    Silurian Period (435-395)
    Earliest terrestrial Plants and Animals. In the Silurian Period, Eurypterids and Tikaalik are dominant after they are developed.
  • Devonian Period (395-345)

    Devonian Period (395-345)
    Eventually the once dominant armored fish finally go extinct but different varieties of fish bein to take place in this period.
    Amphibians and Ammonites are introduced.
  • Carboniferous Period (345-280) (Mississippian, Pennsylvanian)

    Carboniferous Period (345-280) (Mississippian, Pennsylvanian)
    As for plants and nature, scale trees and seed ferns grow and spread in the environment along with swamps and coal forming forests.
    Marine animals such as sharks and several more amphibians are still developing.
  • Permian Period (280-225)

    Permian Period (280-225)
    Marine animals begin to go extinct.
  • Triassic Period (225-195)

    Triassic Period (225-195)
    After marine animals go extinct, dinosaurs are introduced, Cycads and Conifers are abundant.
  • Jurassic Period (195-136)

    Jurassic Period (195-136)
    Dinosaurs have become very abundant along with earliest birds and mammals including ammonites.
  • Creataceous Period (136-65)

    Creataceous Period (136-65)
    Dramatic increase in flowering plants. Dinosaurs and brachiopods suddenly go extinct. As they become extinct, bony fish still remain abundant.
  • Tertiary Period (65-1.8)

    Tertiary Period (65-1.8)
    Dinosaurs and any other prehistoric animals have gone extinct and placental mammals, modern mammals and mammals that are very developed runners have taken over.
  • Quaternary Period (1.8-PRESENT)

    Quaternary Period (1.8-PRESENT)
    Much larger carnivores and predators are introduced. Neanderthals, Humans and Mastodons are the most dominant.