Genocide in Rwanda

  • Period: to

    Germany controls Rwanda

  • Belgium gains control of Rwanda

    Belgium gains control of Rwanda
    Why is Belgium's control over Rwanda important. Belgium gains control and Germany loses its control. Belgium also can do whatever they want to do in Rwanda. They can take over anything for instance, the government.
  • Rwanda gains independence

    Rwanda gains independence
    Why is Rwanda's independence important? They could control their own government. They can use their own resources. They can be in charge of themselves.
  • Civil war begins

    Civil war begins
    Why should the rest of the world know about the civil war? The rest of the world should know because they can help stop it. Rwanda can be safe once again.
  • Genocide in Rwanda

    Genocide in Rwanda
    Why is the genocide important? The Tutsi's shot down the presidents plane. This event sparked the genocide and angered the Hutus.
  • RPF ends the genocide

    RPF ends the genocide
    Why should the rest of the world know about the end of the Rwandan genocide. The rest of world needs to know so we don't repeat the genocide. Also we can help the Rwandan community rebuilld.
  • War crime trials begin

    War crime trials begin
    Why is this trial important? The trial tells us about the criminals of the genocide. It also tells us who killed all the people in Rwanda and punishes them.
  • Apology from President Clinton

    Apology from President Clinton
    Why is the event important? This tells us why he didn't send help sooner. Also it helps us to forgive our president.
  • 26 Defendants executed

    26 Defendants executed
  • Gacaca courts to be set up

    Gacaca courts to be set up