Genocide in Rwanda

  • Germany controls Rwanda

    Germany controls Rwanda
    Berlin conference divides up Africa between European countries Germany controls Rwanda this leads to the discrimination of the Hutus and the Tutsis getting unfair power which will eventually lead to massive massacres and poverty.
  • Belgium gains control of Rwanda.

    Belgium gains control of Rwanda.
    Belgian gains control of rwanda after Germany loses World War I which leads to more racism against the Hutus and more privilege and rights for the Tutsis.
  • Rwanda gains independence

    Rwanda gains independence
    After Rwanda gains independence they hold elections sience the majority of the population are Hutus there is a Hutu president the Tutsi not happy with the decision decide to kill him leading to genocide
  • Period: to

    Genocide in Rwanda

    The history of Rwandas dark pass
  • Civil war begins

    Civil war begins
    Civil war begins between Hutu controlled gov and Rwanda partriotic front which lights the final spark for genocide, war, rape , and other war crimes.
  • Genocide

    Genocide 800k people die in 100 days the rest of the world still mostly aware of this event decide to do nothing.
  • Rfp ends genocide

    Rfp ends genocide
    After the RPF ends genocide they take control of the gov this is a massive event that will lead to lots more violence
  • Apology from president Clinton

    Apology from president Clinton
    President Clinton and the president of the UN apologized for not stoping gencide this event is important because now countries can deal with issues before they start