French&Indian War

  • French sided against Iroquois

    French sided against Iroquois
    If samuale de Champlain hadent made the Iroquois his enemy along with the french than the french might have one the war wit5h the help of the Iroquois.
  • Washington goes to Fort Duquesne

    Washington goes to Fort Duquesne
    washington takes 150 men to tell the french to move and that they are on british claims,the French say no so Washington attacks and thus the french and indean war was born.
    a english writer wrote "The volley fired by a young Virginianack woods set the whole world on fire."
  • Albany congress

    Albany congress
    Benjamen Franklin goes to the Albany congress to propose an idea that could unite us like the Iriqous.the congress agree to that idea but not all the states do.
  • Braddock tries Europian battlfield tactecs

    Braddock tries Europian battlfield tactecs
    After Braddock tries Eropean battle field taktics and fails Washington sees that it doesnt work compaird to the French and Indians way of he changes his taktecs learning from Braddocks mistake.
  • The battle of lake Gorge

    The battle of lake Gorge
    Warraghiyagey and his warriors went to take over the fort at lake gorege and surprisingly wone against the french even when none of his worriors were trained.
  • The 7 year war

    The 7 year war
    In Europe the English decalre war on the french wich lasted for & years thyats y they call it the 7 year war.
  • the Battle for Quebec

    the Battle for Quebec
    the English won the battle of Quebec there for giving them power over the St. Lawrence river.and that gave the English the power to control over the major water ways.
  • Captureing Louisburg

    Captureing Louisburg
    General amherst knew that in order to get suply he would have to capture Louisburge so thats what he did.and after that he would also have control of any french ships tring to get supply so by oning Louisburge he controld the main water ways.
  • Fort Niagara

    Fort Niagara
    Jhonson and his Iroqois and british solders go to capture fort Niagara and win
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    the treaty of Paris oficialy eneded the war,puting a stop to the blood shend and kiked the french out of the North American contenent.