Re enactment of the battl 010

France and Britansh clash

  • Period: to

    france and britan clash

  • britan and france

    britan and france
    the two strogest powers in europe
  • the albany plan

    the albany plan
    colonies meet in aubrn new york.
    to discuss the tjreat of war they also hoped to persaude the iroquios
  • britan and france

    britan and france
    the six nations where referd to
  • Fredom of the press

    Fredom of the press
    in 1735 john peter zenger of the new york weekly journal faced charges of libel. he had printed a criical report about the royal govner of new york. andrew hamilton argued that it was a basic right of englis pepole.the jury found zenger not gultiy.
  • british intres st

    british intres st
    the two forces grew british fur traders bult a fort at a place called pickawillany.
  • france and britan

    france and britan
    the britan and france where intrested in fur trading . They did not want to take over the native amrican land.
  • George wasigton

    George wasigton
    he was 21 years oldhis mission was to tell frenth that they where tresspassing. wasigton deliverd the message but it did no good.
    the french told me that wasigton said later that it was their absolute design or plan to take possien of ohio and by god they would do it.