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Forrest Gump Timeline Project

  • Elvis Presley's debut album

    Elvis Presley's debut album
    It was sung by Elvis Presley who is often referred to as the king of rock and roll. It was number one as the billboard's top pop albums chart in 1956. This album was given a Platinum on August 8, 2011 by the Recording Industry Association of America.
  • Little Rock Nine

    Little Rock Nine Rock Nine was the name given to a group of nine African American students of Little Rock Central High School. While trying to enter the segregated school, they were prevented by Orval Faubus, the Governor of Arkansas. They were only able to enter when President Eisenhower intervened. He had the 101st Airborne Division escort the students to school for one complete year.
  • Port Huron Statement

    Port Huron Statement was a statment by a North American student activist movement called the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS).
    This was primarily written by Tom Hayden. This statemnt said that racial discrimination and alienation were the two most important problems within the United States.
  • John F. Kennedy is assasinated

    John F. Kennedy is assasinated was assasinated in Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas. He was shot in the head while riding in a presidential motorcade. The name of the murderer is Lee Harvey Oswald. Investigators said that Oswald was alone in his actions. JFK was sitting next to his wife when the assasination took place.
  • Nike established

    Nike established
    Nike is a manufacturing company that focuses on the production of sports items. They have been around for 50 years and have been a success through out the world. Nike is also among one of the three companies that are the most eco-friendly.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive Tet Offensive was one of the largest military attacks that happened during the Vietnam War. The Vietcong and the North Vietnamese attacled the South Vietnamese and the American troops. The attack was in three different phases. These attacks were a surprise to the American and South Vietnamese troops who hadn't expected an attack of such degree.
  • My Lai Massacre

    My Lai Massacre My Lai massacre was an incident in which American troops opened fire on a village in Vietnam. The number of deaths ranged from 347 to 504. This incident created more opposition to the Vietnam War within the United States. Officer Hugh Thompson, Jr. was a helicopter pilot who intervened to stop the troops from further shooting.
  • Robert Kennedy is assasinated

    Robert Kennedy is assasinated
    He was John F. Kennedy's younger brother. He served as the Senator for New York from 1965 to 1968.He had also serviced in the navy for two years. He was shot by Sirhan Sirhan in a crowded kitchen corridor.
  • First Moon Landing

    First Moon Landing 11 was the name of the spacecraft that landed the first humans on the moon. This was done as a result of the space race between the United States and the Soviet Union. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were the astronauts that stepped foot on the moons surface for the first time. This fulfilled President John F. Kennedy's statement in which he said , "before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth."
  • Kent State Massacre

    Kent State Massacre
    It occured at the Kent State University of Kent, Ohio. Students were protestiing against the Cambodian campaign that President nixon had announced. Guardsmen opened fire on students and killed four of them while wounding nine others. this event also increased the public opposition about the Vietnam War.
  • Break-in at the Democratic National Committee Headquarters

    Break-in at the Democratic National Committee Headquarters
    This was an important lead in the investigation of the Watergate scandal which lead to President Noxon's resignation. The names of the burglars were Bernard L. Barker, Virgilio R. Gonzales, James W. McCord , Eugenio R. Martinez, and Frank A. Sturgis. The burglars admitted to have made a first burglary on May 28.
  • John Lennon's Assasination

    John Lennon's Assasination
    John Lennon was a musician. He was also a founder of ' The Beatles.' He was assasinated by Mark David Chapman at the entrance of the building where he lived, The Dakota, in New York City.