Forest gump1

Forrest Gump Timeline

  • Period: to

    The Legacy of Forest Gump

  • Forrest's Birth

    Forrest's Birth
    Estimated time that Forrest was born. He was named after Nathan Bedford Forrest, founder of the KKK
  • Forrest teaches Elvis how to dance

    Forrest teaches Elvis how to dance
    While stating at the "Gump Inn," Elvis Presley is influenced by Forrest's dance moves that he gets from his braced legs.
  • Forrest Witnesses Integration

    Forrest Witnesses Integration
    Forrest is present during the racial integration of the University of Alabama, which was protested by Governor George Wallace and enforced by military intervention
  • JFK Assassination

    JFK Assassination
    Shortly after meeting Gump and the All American Football Team, President John F. Kennedy was shot in the head during a parade in Dallas Texas
  • Forrest goes to Vietnam

    Forrest goes to Vietnam
    Forrest is sent across the world to fight and contain Communism in the Vietnam War. The war is considered one of the greatest losses in US history.
  • War Protests in D.C.

    War Protests in D.C.
    Forrest gets wrapped up in the protests against the Vietnam War while in Washington D.C. and unintentionally makes an impromptu speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial
  • Robert Kennedy Assassination

    Robert Kennedy Assassination
    Senator Robert Kennedy is assassinated shortly after his brother, JFK
  • Ping Pong Diplomacy

    Ping Pong Diplomacy
    Forrest becomes involved in Ping Pong Diplomacy, in which the US improved diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China through the hosting of international table tennis matches.
  • Watergate

    Forrest supposably discovers and accidentally uncovers the Watergate scandal in which president Nixon was involved in infiltrating and bugging the democratic headquarters in the Watergate building.
  • Hurricane Carmen

    Hurricane Carmen
    Hurricane Carmen sweeps the Gulf of Mexico, destroying every shrimp boat except for Forrest's
  • Apple Stocks Explode

    Apple Stocks Explode
    Lutinent Dan invests Forrest's shrimp money in Apple Stock and he "never has to worry about money again"
  • Death of John Lennon

    Death of John Lennon
    John Lennon is shot and killed a while after meeting Gump on a talk show and being influenced by Gump's stories of Vietnam.
  • Jenny Dies of HIV

    Jenny Dies of HIV
    Jenny Gump dies of a "mystery virus" which we now understand to be HIV because of her history of sex and drug exploitation as well as its tragic prevalence at the time.