Forrest Gump Timeline

  • Klu Klux Klan

    Klu Klux Klan
    In the movie Forrest Gump says he was named after a civil war hero, Nathan Bedford Forrest. He was the founder of the Klu Klux Klan (KKK). The KKK burned crosses, staged rallies, parades, and marches denouncing immigrants, catholic, jews, and blacks.
  • Elvis Presley

    Elvis Presley
    The Gumps run a boarding home, in the movie Elvis Presley comes to stay. While Elvis plays his guitar, young forrest dances in a very odd way. The way forrest dances inspired Elvis to dance similar to him and after that he becomes the king of rock.
  • Forrest joins the Vietnam War

    Forrest joins the Vietnam War
    Forrest served in the United States Army. He saved numerous of his comrades, he even got shot in the buttock in the act of saving one. He was awarded the congressional Medal of Honor for his actions.
  • Forrest meets John f. Kennedy

    Forrest meets John f. Kennedy
    Forrest became a local legend by being the fastest runner on his college football team. He also made the all american football team and met president John F. Kennedy.
  • Smiley Face

    Smiley Face
    As Forrest Gump is running a man ask him for ideas on a t-shirt. Forrest wipes his muddy face on a t-shirt and it comes off as a smiley face. The smiley face becomes a popular symbol in the unites States. The unhappy smiley face came out in 1953 before the smiley face.
  • Desegregation of Alabama schools

    Desegregation of Alabama schools
    It was ruled that laws relating to segregated facilities were unconstitutional by the supreme court case Brown V. Board of Ed. The University of Alabama had to initiate desegregation.
  • The Black Panther Party

    The Black Panther Party
    The Black Panther Party believed in ending racism against blacks, and all blacks deserved to be treated equally. The group was known as a military posture and its was of expressing their beliefs. They also fought to establish revolutionary based socialism through mass organizing.
  • Jenny joins the Hippie movement

    Jenny joins the Hippie movement
    After Jenny leaves Forrest she starts associating with hippies. The hippie subculture started to emerge among the youth population, during the mid 1960's. Hippies started their own social groups, embraced sexual revolution, listened to rock, and used drugs like marijuana, LSD, and "magic mushroom" to explore other states of consciousness.
  • Moon Landing

    Moon Landing
    American achieves the mission of being the first nation to send astronauts to the moon. In the same year, Forrest receives the medal of honor for his heroic actions in the war.
  • Forrest plays ping pong

    Forrest plays ping pong
    In the movie while Forrest was in a home he learned how to play ping pong and he learned that he was naturally good at it. Nixon came up with Ping Pong Diplomacy. Gump achieved much fam efor this and joined an all American Tennis team.
  • Forrest meets John Lennon

    Forrest meets John Lennon
    In the movie Forrest meets John Lennon, he is apart of the Beatles group. Forrest was invited on the dick cavett show after returning home to the U.S. from china playing ping pong.
  • Watergate Scandal

    Watergate Scandal
    Forrest witnesses the Watergate scandal while staying at the Watergate hotel. This scandal involved a break in of the democratic national committee headquarters. It was found out that president Nixon was aware of this. Conversations were taped in the oval office, president Nixon was ordered to hand over the tapes he did but there were huge gaps in the tapes because he did not provide full evidence. This also lead to Nixon's resignation.
  • Forrest & Lt. Dan invest in Apple

    Forrest & Lt. Dan invest in Apple
    Lt. Dan told Forrest told he didn't have to worry about money anymore. The point of this scene was to demonstrate the changing times in the 70's. This later leads to today's technology such as video games, pictures, and the internet.
  • Forrest runs around the world

    Forrest runs around the world
    After Jenny left Forrest, he decides to go for a run. Forrest never stopped running though, he ran for 3 years, 2 months, 14 days, and 16 hours, then all of a sudden he decided he was tired and wanted to go home. While he was running he made history with quotes and t-shirts.
  • Aids/ HIV outbreak

    Aids/ HIV outbreak
    In the 80's there was a huge outbreak of diseases such as Aids and HIV. In the movie jenny died from a disease but it's not said what disease. This outburst was because of so many people doing drugs and having sex.