Forrest Gump Timeline

  • Vietnam war

    Vietnam war
    The vietnam war was located in South Vietnam, North Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. The Vietnam War is a commonly used name for the Second Indochina War. The US had the largest foreign military.
  • HIV-1 Detected

    HIV-1 Detected
    The earliest known case of infection with HIV-1 in a human was detected in a blood sample collected in 1959 from a man in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo. (How he became infected is not known.)

    John F Kennedy was an American politician. JFK was shot an killed in Dallas Texas. JFK was shot and killed by a man named Oswald.
  • John F. Kennedy becomes president

    John F. Kennedy becomes president
    John F. Kennedy was the youngest man elected to the office. John F. Kennedy was the 35th President of the United States. He was hardly past his first thousand days in office when he was assassinated.
  • Bubba Gump Shrimp Company

    Bubba Gump Shrimp Company
    The Bubba Gump Shrimp Company was founded in 1966. The founders are Gail Taggart and Tim Busald. It's a seafood resteraunt chain inspired by the 1994 film Forrest Gump.
  • Robert Francis "Bobby" Kennedy assassinated

    Robert Francis "Bobby" Kennedy assassinated
    Took place shortly after midnight June 5th 1968. Bobby was a United States senator. The brother of President John F. Kennedy. Killed in Los Angeles, California during the campaign season for the United States Presidential election.
  • Watergate Scandal

    Watergate Scandal
    Major political scandal that occured in the United States. Following a break in at the DNC. President Nixon's administration attempted to cover up its involvement.
  • Elvis dies

    Elvis dies
    Elvis died in his bathroom on the toilet. Most details of his death was kept from the public. At the time he was suffering from aucoma, high blood pressure, liver damage and an enlarged colon.
  • John Lennon shot

    John Lennon shot
    John Lennon was shot outside of his apartment building, The Dakota. Shot and killed by Mark David Chapman. John was shot after signing an autograph for the man who shot him.
  • President Reagan shot

    President Reagan shot
    Reagan was shot in the chest on March 30th 1981. He was shot outside of a Washington DC hotel. He was shot by John Hinckley Jr.