Forrest gump original

Forrest Gump Timeline

  • McCarthy's Communism Hunt

    McCarthy's Communism Hunt
    1) Claimed to have a list of 205 communists in the State Department 2) Never provided evidence for his claims 3) Made a fool of himself and the Republican Party during his televised hearings
  • "Ivy Mike" Hydrogen Bomb

    "Ivy Mike" Hydrogen Bomb
    1) The US detonated the first nuclear fusion device in the world 2) Result of an arms race between the US and the Soviet Union 3) Over 450 times more powerful than the bomb dropped on Nagasaki
  • Elvis Presley

    Elvis Presley
    1) Elvis' provacative dance style drove young people crazy 2) Older people are offended 3) Gains a "rule breaking" image
  • First Man in Space

    First Man in Space
    1) Russians launch Yuri Gagarin into 1 orbit around Earth 2) Mission was called Vostok 1 3) Major milestone of the space race
  • Construction of Berlin Wall Begins

    Construction of Berlin Wall Begins
    1) Barrier divinding West and East Berlin 2) Came to be called the "Iron Curtain" 3) Line that separated the Eastern Bloc from the rest of Europe
  • Kennedy Assassination

    Kennedy Assassination
    1) President Kennedy was shot by a sniper during a parade in Dallas, Texas 2) The Warren Commision concluded the shooter was Lee Harvey Oswald 3) Spawned numerous conspiracy theories
  • US Goes to War With Vietnam

    US Goes to War With Vietnam
    1) After the Gulf of Tonkin incident 2) Very unpopular with American youth 3) Tet Offensive showed the war would not end soon
  • Black Panther Party Forms

    Black Panther Party Forms
    1) Organization against police brutality against blacks 2) Started community programs, like Breakfast for Children 3) Believed in arming citizens
  • US Lands Man on the Moon

    US Lands Man on the Moon
    1) Major landmark of the space race 2) Source of pride for the US 3) Used to say the the US won the space race
  • Ping Pong Diplomacy

    Ping Pong Diplomacy
    1) Improving of foreign relations with China using ping pong 2) Led to the Soviet Union disclosing information 3) Allowed Nixon to visit China
  • Watergate Scandal

    Watergate Scandal
    1) Break-in at the Democratic Party offices in the Watergate Hotel 2) Nixon tried to cover it up, but it was linked back to him 3) Caused a distrust in politicians in Americans
  • Hurricane Carmen

    Hurricane Carmen
    1) Hurricane that caused $162 million in damages 2) 308,000 of sugar cane were demaged 3) Flooding caused some wildlife to drown