Forrest Gump project

  • korean war

    June 25 1950; between republic of korea was supported by united nations. democratic peoples at one time supported by peoples republic of china
  • Forest Gump

    Forest hip dances for a younger boarder ( Elvis )
  • brown vs board of education

    u.s supreme court case in which the court declared state laws. they established seperate public schools. school for blacks and white students
  • emmett tills murder

    a 14teeth year old boy. he was african american teenager was brutally murdered by white man while visiting family in mississippi
  • the little rock 9

    there was 9 african american students. they enrolled in a racist school. the school was in little rock central high school.
  • berlin wall

    it was a barrier constructed by the german democratic republic in east germany. it completely cut off west berlin from surrounding east germany
  • moon landing

    this was accomplished with two u.s. pilots astronants flying a lunar module on each of six nasa missions across a 41 month span starting on 20th july 1969 utc with neil armstrong and buzz aldin on apollo 2 and ending on dec 14
  • watergate scandal

    the watergate scandal was a political scandal during the 1970s which involved a break in of the democratic national head quarters at the watergate office complex in washington d.c.
  • watergate scandal

    the watergate scandal was a political scandal during the 1970s which involved a break in of the democratic national head quarters at the watergate office complex in washington d.c.