Forrest Gump History Events

  • KKK started

    KKK started
    A group of white men. These men would get together, usually at night, when they were together they would go out and harass blacks. They did this by beating them and even killing them.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
  • Protest on War

    Protest on War
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    Vietnam War

    War between North Vietnam and South Vietnam. The US had helped South Vietnam. The war was mainly about communism.
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    Protest on War

    Many didn’t like the war and thought that America should not have been fighting in the war. The war had taken too long and many just wanted it to be over. Since many were against the war, the doves, they would protest the war and some protest got very violent.
  • Elvis Presley

    Elvis Presley
    Elvis Presley was a very famous singer. He had been known for singing “Hound Dog” but that was not his song. Many people looked up to him and enjoyed his music because it was a new type of music.
  • JFK meets with all American football players

    JFK meets with all American football players
    The all american football players went to the white house to meet with John F Kennedy. He meets with them and tells them how well of players they are.
  • JFK was shot

    JFK was shot
    While riding in a car during a parade, JFK had gotten shot. There were two shots that were taken
  • Black Panthers

    Black Panthers
    An organization that was an revolutionary black nationalist and socialist. They got together and talked about what they could all do to try and get their rights and freedoms and be equal.
  • Wallace runs for President

    Wallace runs for President
    George Wallace had ran for president in 1968. He was a republic. Wallace will later get shot but does not die.
  • Man Walks on moon

    Man Walks on moon
    It was a race between the U.S and Russia. Russia had been the first to get into space but the U.S was the first to land on the moon. With being the first on the moon it shows that the U.S is superior.
  • Watergate

    5 men got caught when trying to break into headquarters. They were going to bug the place and take photographs. The trials had started and lasted a while. Nixon has tapes of everything and has to release them and when he finally does, there were parts cut out.
  • Nixon Resigned

    Nixon Resigned
    Since he had the tapes and was involved with Watergate he thought that he would get impeached. To prevent that he resigned and then got pardoned, Since he was pardoned he didn't get in trouble for Watergate.
  • Hurricane Carmen

    Hurricane Carmen
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    Hurricane armen

    A very intense cyclone that had lasted a while and damaged many things.
  • Ford attempted assassination

    Ford attempted assassination
    This attempt on Fords assassination was just the first. A couple days later, there was another attempt to kill him.
  • Apple Computer starts

    Apple Computer starts
    After two men had got together, they created a new system called apple computer. Apple had boomed and became very popular and gave people a new way of life.
  • President Carter suffered from heat exhaustion

    President Carter suffered from heat exhaustion
    While out on a run Carter faints from heat exhaustion. After doctors said it was heat exhaustion he became fine again and got back to normal.
  • Reagan Shooting

    Reagan Shooting
    After his speech, someone had shot at president Reagan. Even though he was shot, he did not die.