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Forrest Gump and American History 1950-1990

  • Period: to

    The events seen in the film Forrest Gump from 1950-1990

    This timeline depicts 12 events that are shown in the film Forrest Gump that are events in American History from the year 1950-1990
  • Elvis Presley

    Elvis Presley
    Video of Forrest Gump and this event In this debut of Elvis Presely's talent ha famously introduced the pelvic thrust dance move along with many other new dance moves. This event is one of the most well known in Elvis's history as he also sang jail house rock one of his top albums. Elvis's career sky rocketed from this event onward. In the film Forrest Gump young Forrest dances to Ain't nothing but a hound dog with his leg braces on giving the artist the idea for his famous dance.
  • University of Alabama Desegregation (Stand in the school house door)

    University of Alabama Desegregation (Stand in the school house door)
    Three black students wanted to attend the University of Alabama and the President ended the segregation of schools allowing them to do so but the Govenor of Alabama at that time stood outside the school in protest. The president had to order the national gaurd to force Wallace to step aside and allow the students to enter and in doing so making them the first African American students to ever attend the university. In the film Forrest witnesses this event and picks up something that was dropped.
  • All American football team meets president Kennedy

    All American football team meets president Kennedy
    In the film forrest meets the president of the united states with the university of alibama football team. This honor is bestowed apon ameture sports teams that are the best in their particular sport. President kennedy meet many sports teams that were declared all American and so did many presidents after him.
  • President Kennedy Assasination

    President Kennedy Assasination
    The president was assinated in Dallas Texas by Lee Harvey Oswald. The assasination of the president was a tramendouse disturbance to the American people as it was teh first in many Americans life times, the man who assasinated him was killed by Jack Ruby before his trial. Both men claimed to be acting alone. In the film Forrest watches the assasination on TV.
  • The Black Panther Party

    The Black Panther Party
    This is a vieo of some of the chants that the Black Panthers hadThis revolutionary group known as the Black Panther Party was a group that believed in equal rights for African Americans and white people. The group started in the year 1966 and ended in 1982. The group expressed their desire for equal rights through a rhetoric millitary posture. The way that this came up in the movie is when Jenny takes Forrest to meet her friends or the crowd taht she is now hanging around with which turn out to be part of the Black panther orginization.
  • Vietnam War 1955-1975

    Vietnam War 1955-1975
    This has some of the letters written by the young men fighting in the war This war began in the year 1955 and didn't end until 1975. Many young men were sent to fight in this war and many didn't reaturn home. One of the biggest issues that was brought up by the media back here in the US in regards to this war was the age of all of the young men that were sent to die most of them were barely 18 years old. In the film Forrest joins the army straight out of highschool and is deployed to vietnam where his very good friend died.
  • Robert F Kennedy Assasination

    Robert F Kennedy Assasination
    This happened right after the brother of Robert Kennedy the president of the united states was assasinated. He was running for president and was killed shortly after midnight during his champeign. In the film Forrest mentions this event right after mentioning the death of president Kennedy.
  • The Hippie Movement: Protest in Washington DC

    The Hippie Movement: Protest in Washington DC
    This is a video of the actual protest in 1969 The hippie movement was a very big deal in the 1960's they were against many things including war. This protest in Washigton DC was against the vietnam war. Forrest a speech at this protest i the film from his experience as a soldier that fought in the vietnam war.
  • Watergate Scandal and Nixons resignation

    Watergate Scandal and Nixons resignation
    Nixons resignation as a result of the scandalThis scandal involved a break into the Democratic National Commities headquarters at the Washington Complex in Washington D.C. After extensive investigation the president at the time Nixon was found to have knowledge of the Scandal and soon after tapes of what was happening in the oval office but there were gaps in the tapes though and Nixon was found to be withholding evidence; after this event The president resigned, In the film Forrest witnesses the break in.
  • Ping Pong Diplomacy

    Ping Pong Diplomacy
    This is one of the famous tournaments involved in Ping Pong DiplomacyThe term ping pong diplomacy comes from the event when and American table tennis table player named Glenn Cowan missed his bus and had to ride with the Chinese team and he talked with them. After this event the American governmant agreed to use the ping pong team for foriegn affairs by playing against the chinese team. In the film Forrest is on the American Ping Pong team and participates in games against China.
  • Hurricane Carmen

    Hurricane Carmen
    This huricane was the most intense tropical cyclone of the 1974 atlantic hurricane season. This cyclone didn't dicipate until september 10th of that year. During its rampage the huricane destroyed much of the coast. In the film this hurican came while Forrest was on his shrimping boat and it greatly helped his shrimping buisness making him a millionare.
  • Apple Computer

    Apple Computer
    Apple Computer company was created in the year 1975 by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. In this year apple computers were first invented in the form of video terminal that could log on to the minicomputers at Call Computer. In the film Forrest gets a letter in the mail from Apple inc. in regards to his share in stock i ntheir company and how it began to take flight.
  • John Lennon interview (Dick Cavett show) and death

    John Lennon interview (Dick Cavett show) and death
    Here is a video of the song that was brought up in the filmJohn Lennon a famous beattles singer was shot on this date and killed by Mark David Chapman. Lennons criticism was so harsh against the Nixon administration that they tryed to have him deported back to England so that he wouldn't cause any morre trouble. In the film Forrest is interviewed along side Lennon in a TV interview before Lennon was killed.