Nixon ford carter

Foreign and Domestic Policy Timeline

  • 25th Amendment

    25th Amendment
    This Amendment outlined who would become president if the current president was unable to do his job. This was able to bring back some confidence in the people after a while once people realized they had a system in place. However, originally, influence was lost since it pardoned the president from crimes committed in office, and was unsuccessful in its attempt to improve the economy.
  • Crime Rates from Baby Boomers...

    Crime Rates from Baby Boomers...
    This event led Nixon to come up with four measures of administration to respond to it. The Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act (1968), the Organized Crime Control Act, the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Contol Act (1970), and the District of Columbia Criminal Procedures Act. All these acts focused on wiretapping, preventive detention and other measure to cease civil liberties. These acts could have been good for the US but they were all unsuccessful in making dents in crime rates
  • Stagflation

    Stagflation was a dual condition of stagnating economy and inflationary pressures. Stagflation happened due to deficit spending, foreign competition prices rising, especially in the price of oil. It diminished the economic stability of the US through tremendous inflation and caused greater competitions and rivalries between international traders. (Ford's Presidency)
  • Energy Crisis

    Energy Crisis
    Energy Crisis was when gas prices rise and the situation was made worse due to a harsh winter. Because of this a policy was developed, the Energy Crisis, which encouraged people to conserve energy triggering new developements in research for environmental concerns. This time hurt Americas energy resources, however it lead to people becoming more aware of the conservation of energy and also more environmental research developments. (Carters Presidency)
  • Detente

    Detente was when the SU and US were trying to solve their issues and not intensify them so this new policy was established by president Nixon. The policy agreements covers the prevention of accidental military clashes, arms control, space exploration, and expanded commerce. This policy made it easier for relationships between the US and the Soviet Union.
  • Paris Peace Agreement

    Paris Peace Agreement
    This peace agreement under Ford's presidency established a ceasefire between North Vietnam, South Vietnam, and Communist insurgents in the South. However the war between North and South Vietnam continued until 1978. This regained some confidence in the US by pulling out our troops from a pointless battle we had no use being in, and that the US citizens had already been upset about.
  • Strategic Limitation Arms Treaty (SALT 1)

    Strategic Limitation Arms Treaty (SALT 1)
    SALT froze the deployment of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) and placed limits on antiballistic missiles (ABMs). The Soviet Union and US signed this policy. This policy was a huge step towards ending the arms race between these two countries but it did not end the race at this point.
  • Helsinki Accords

    Helsinki Accords
    At the Helsinki Accords, a major diplomatic agreement was signed by 35 nations, including the SU and US. This was the attempt to secure peace between the eastern and western blocks. This accord put Europe on record in favor of human rights and tried to improve relations between communist countries and the rest of Europe. This helped economically and internationally by trying to spread peace and civilizing trade.
  • Economic Stimulus Plan

    Economic Stimulus Plan
    Before Congress was able to act and as economic growth accelerated and unemployment declined, Carter dropped his economic plan. It had a tax rebate, attention on inflation, and strengthened his resistance to costly federal job programs and higher levels of welfare spending. He made several anti-inflation proposals and promised to balance the budget. This helped the US by trying to once again gain economic stability and regain confidence in the presidency/gov't, but the plan did not succeed.
  • Panama Canal

    Panama Canal
    In 1904 Teddy Roosevelt and Panama had an agreement giving the US the right to build the canal and control at least 5 miles on either side. But in 1977 Carter signs a treaty that will give Panama control over the canal construction. This was less influencial over the US because it showed that Carter felt he could not possibly handle the canal nor could the government so they just cut their international ties.
  • Camp David Accords

    Camp David Accords
    This was amethod to help negotiate a peace agreement between Egypt's Anwar el-Sadat and Israel's Menachem Begin who had been fighting for three decades. It provided a framework for peace in which Egypt would recognize Israel and Israel would withdrawl its troops from the Sinai Peninsula. This helped to spread a good influence by wanting the need to spread peace everywhere and stop fighting and arms.

    Soviet Union and US signed the SALT II pledging to limit nuclear arms production but the Soviets made things worse by invading Afghanistan to set up a communists government. This was detrimental to US because since they signed the agreement and the SU deviated confidence would be lost both in the nation of the US, and in international communications between the two places. The treaty did little to nothing to stop the arms race and left America defenseless against weapons unmentioned in agreement