Final Project Eric Muench

  • Women in The Work Force

    Women in The Work Force
    More women were getting their high school deploma and going to collage to get their collage deploma. This then opens the door to more jods and better jobs for them. I chose this because I think it was a big break for women in america.
  • U.S.S Maine Explodes

    U.S.S Maine Explodes
    The ship blew up in the harbor of Havana and more then 260 men were killled. No one is forsure who did it but American newspapers claimed that the Spanish had did it. I chose this because it was the turning point and once this happened the US decided to go to war with Spain in cuba.
  • The Spanish American War

    The Spanish American War
    The Spanish American war was fought because of some things that went on in Cuba and some things between Spain and America. The fighting was done in the Fhilippines and in Cuba. Some of the reasons for this war were that US people felt sympathy for what the Cuba rebals were going through and the explotion of the U.S.S Maine. I chose this because it was a way to help Cudan people and for Americans to settle some of there issuses they had with Spain.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    Spain freed Cuba and turned over the islands of Guam and Puerto Rico in the West Indies to the United States. Spain also sold the Philippines to the United States for $20 million. I chose this because it was the settlement of the war between America and Spain and how they settled their disputes.
  • Yellow Journalism

    Yellow Journalism
    Yellow Journalism was the exaggeration of the news which made things seem and sound worse than they really were. I chose this because it made American people think the conditons were worst than they really were in Cuba and is still used today by journalist.
  • Muckrakers

    Jouralists who wrote about currupt side of business and public life. I chose this because it was the start to someone tell about the businesses and things that go on in the country and tell people what actually gos on.
  • Prue Food and Drug Act

    Prue Food and Drug Act
    halted the sale of contaminated foods and medicines and called for truth in labeling. I chose this because it was the start to labeling food and drug products and having it safe.
  • Federal Reserve Syetem

    Federal Reserve Syetem
    It was a way to strengthen the ways banks ran and adjust the amount of money in circulation. I chose this because it setup our banking system for the US which we still use today and if we didn't have it wouldn't have any way of ragulating the amount of money in circulation.
  • The Death of Archsuke Franz Ferdinand

    The Death of Archsuke Franz Ferdinand
    Well on a visit to Bosnian a serbian nationalist shot Archduke and his wife Sophie. This created a diplomatic crisis and on july 28 Austria Hungary declared war on Serbia. I chose this because it was the begaining of WW1.
  • Submarine Warfare

    Submarine Warfare
    Submarines were used to destory ships bound for Britain and put out MInes. I chose this because I think it was one of the bug pushes that made us go to war.
  • Alliance in the War

    Alliance in the War
    Germany was obligated to go to war to support Austria Hungary and declare war on Russia. Germany also declared war on France and after Germany invaded Belgium, Britain declared war on Germany and Austria Hungary. I chose this because a lot of country got involved in the war because of alliance and if there wouldn`t of been alliances then not as many country would have got involved in the war.
  • Panama Canal

    Panama Canal
    The Panama Canal was a shortcut the Panama so commercial and military ships had a quicker route from the east coast to the west coast without going all the way around South America. I chose this becuase i think it was something that was needed and right to do so we don`t have to send ships all the way around South America to get from coast to coast.
  • America go to War

    America go to War
    After many events that happen the US finally declare war against the Central Powers. I chose this because this was a major thing to do and affected everyone in the US.
  • Nineteenth Adendment

    Nineteenth Adendment
    Women are granted the right to vote. I chose this because it was another big step for women in the US.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The Big Four and the leaders of the defeated nations gathered in the Hall of Mirrors of the Palace of Versailles to sign the peace treaty. It established nine new nations and shifted the boundaries of other nations. The treaty also barred Germany from maintaining an army and to pay repartions. I chose this because this treaty was the end of the WW1 and was a way for the countrys to try and settle things out.