final exam review project

  • 9

    texas geography the great plains

    texas geography the great plains
    the great plains can be very cold in winter and very hot in summer, the flatlands rise gently as you go east, they have lots of wheat and use farming to mostly make money,they have coal natural gas oil potash and sulfur
  • texas geography the gulf coast plains

    texas geography the gulf coast plains
    its hot rainy sunny dry and humid, they got oil, there are lots of grasslands and plains
  • texas geography mountains and basins

    texas geography mountains and basins
    it gets hot and cold, there are many hills and mountains, they have oil petroleum and cows
  • native texans karankawa

    native texans karankawa
    they traveled by foot and horse, they arm fish and hunt, they have animals plants and trees
  • texas geography north central plains

    texas geography north central plains
    its warm dry and windy, they have oil aluminum and limestone, they have plains and rivers