Nation 300x300

Final Assesment Timeline

  • Jun 15, 1440

    The Printing Press

    The Printing Press
    In 1436 a man name Johannes Gutenberg started his work on a invention called the Printing press.The machine would use removable wooden and metal letters. This invention was very important because it lowered the cost of books. Also people with occupations them to write down anything became a lot easier.
  • Jun 24, 1497

    John Cabot discovers "New foundland"

  • Period: Jan 1, 1500 to

    Final Assesment Timeline

  • Jun 6, 1530

    The Beginning of the Fur Trade

    The Beginning of the Fur Trade
    When the Europeans came in contact with the first nations in the early 1530's. They built good relationships since the First nations had valuable furs while the Europeans had metal weapons and cutlery and advanced technology.Thus began the Fur Trade. The Furs were very popular in Europe and were in high demand.
  • Jan 1, 1534

    Jacques Cartier makes contact with Aboriginals.

  • Jun 6, 1541

    Cartier's Final Voyage

    Haudenosaunee refused to help the French
  • Port Royal is under construction

    Port Royal is under construction
    Port Royal was first ruled by by first nations specifically the Taino. But later it became in control of the Spanish the spanish had no need for it, they just kept the land. Later on The British took control of the Port. It became priceless to the british. It was a port that many British ships passed through and was very easy to defend.
  • Samuel De Champlain discovers Quebec

  • The company of 100 associates are framed

  • The Short Parliament

  • The Long Parliament

  • The Start of the Restoration

  • The Hudsons bay company is founded

  • The Test Act

  • The Start of the Glorious Revolution

  • King Williams War is announced

  • Battle of Quebec

    Battle of Quebec
    This battle was between the French and British. The British were led by James Wolfe while The French were led by Louis joseph de montcalm. Both Generals were spectacular but James wolfe found a stairway up on the impenetratable wall of Quebec and later Quebec was captured by the British.
  • The Royal Proclomation

    The Royal Proclomation
    The London Government issued the royal proclomation outlining the guidlines that prohibited English North American settlers from living further west than the appalachian mountains. This infuriated the colonists which made the government cautious
  • French are banished from acadia

  • The Sugar Act

    The Sugar Act
    The British Government passed the sugar act in 1764. It changed the taxation on sugar and its part ner products, molasses. This made the british government more strict since they wanted more profit.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act frusterarted all the citizens because every item bought or sold would have to be stamped. But the stamps would have to be bought. the citizens tarred and featherd officials. Later on The Act was diminished.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    The Citizens grew inr esistance because of having soldiers living in their houses. while The Thirteen Colonies stationed British Troops all throughout the country. During a protest in Boston british soldiers misunderstood a order and shot several civilians.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    The citizens that were upset about the tea act and gathered into a group (about 116 people). These citizens dressed up as mohawks and boarded a British ship and tosssed over a fortune of tea into the ocean.
  • The First Continental Congress

    The First Continental Congress
    All of the thirteen colonies except georgia sent delegates to philadelphia for the continetal congress in 1774. The British government leaders were defied goods from England. The British Government readied thousands od troops and rebellious colonists began to tain and store weapons
  • The Intolerable Acts

  • Declaration of Rights is passed