film events

  • first ever photo

    the picture was taken by Joseph von Fraunhofer.
    he used a machine named the camera obscura.
  • microphone

    A man named john walker invented the microphone.
    with this invention people who where in movies could be hared.
    this helped a lot in a seen that was loud or quiet.
  • stereoscope

    the stereoscope was used to allow the left and right wye to view two different things.
    This invention helped make the 2d and 3d glasses that come later on.
  • typewriter

    the typewriter helped type out plays so they could be produced faster and more efficient.
    the type writer was one of millions when it comes to big break through's in film history.
  • cylinder phonograph

    The cylinder phonograph was the first form of radio in the 1870's. This was invented by Thomas Edison.
  • roll film

    Roll film was starting to get used in cameras in the 1880's.
    The roll film was one of the better ways to record and take pictures then.
  • paper-strip photograhp film

    This was invention was used by anyone to take a photo that was less deadly.
    this also meant that directors of movies could record with less chance of posing themselves.
  • gramophone.

    This was used to create a form of at home audio for things like movies, music, and shows.
    this invention allowed many movie makers products to spread a lot faster.
  • phantoscope

    this was the first projector that allowed multiple people to watch a movie. this was created by Charles Francis.
  • Cinematograph

    The cinematograph was the first projector and camera of its time.
    This allowed man people to save money and also enjoy movies at home.
  • first talking motion picture

    Thomas Edison created the first talking motion picture.
    This inspired people to make small cartoons and animations with voice lines.
  • Motorized movie camera

    The motorized camera allowed more efficient movie production.
    This type of production allowed less hands on work and also less deadly.