Images 18

Fetus Development

By Dee0521
  • 15

    After 2 weeks

    After 2 weeks the egg and the sperm creates fertilization.
  • After 1 week

    this is the week of your last period.
  • After 3 weeks

    the fertilized egg begins to divide. As its dividing, it begins to float down the uterus.
  • After 4 weeks

    After 4 weeks
    the cells has developed a genetic dna. now we can tell if it's a boy or a girl.
  • After 5 weeks

    the embryo grows from a spect ti 2mm. it's now the size of a pin head.
  • After 6 weeks

    The embryo has reached to 8mm. the first blood vessels begin developing.
  • After 7 weeks

    After 7 weeks
    the embryo grows to 13mm. the heart is beating within one chamber.
  • After 8 weeks

    it now has frown to 18mm. it begins to practice it's first movements.
  • After 9 weeks

    fingers and toes form.
  • After 10 weeks

    After 10 weeks
    Embryo is now a fetus. it has now grown into the size of a small strawberry.
  • After 11 weeks

    neurons begin to multiply.
  • After 12 weeks

    After 12 weeks
    fingernails and toenails appear. this is usually the time, where young mothers have abortions.
  • After 13 weeks

    Fetus now can flex and kick. it has now grown to 3inches.
  • After 14 weeks

    After 14 weeks
    hormones began to start. it now weighs about 1 and a half ounces.
  • After 15 weeks

    the bones as well as the muscles bagan to grow.
  • After 16 weeks

    the fetus can now make facial expressions. it's now has grown to 5 inches.
  • After 17 weeks

    fat now can accumulates.
  • After 18 weeks

    baby can now hear.
  • After 20 weeks

    the baby is now 11 ounces. you are now half way towards delivery.
  • after 21 weeks

    after 21 weeks
    the fetus is now 10 inches. they now measure from crown to heel.
  • After 22 weeks

    taste buds now develop.
  • After 23 weeks

    a sense of balance has developed.
  • After 24 weeks

    the child has gained 3 ounces.
  • After 25 weeks

    it's now 34 cm.
  • After 26 weeks

    its now 14 cm long
  • After 27 weeks

    the fetus now weighs 2 pounds. the head has grown to 2.7 inches.
  • After 28 weeks

    Brain waves begin to show rapid eyemovement. the baby has a chance at recognizing your voice.
  • After 29 weeks

    Movements become more forceful. the baby now weighs 2 and half pounds.
  • After 30 weeks

    the length is now 40 cm. the fetus now weighs 3 pounds
  • After 31 weeks

    the baby can now detect light. a loud noise can cause the baby to jump.
  • After 32 weeks

    the baby is now 17 inches. the diameter of the head is almost 4 inches.
  • After 33 weeks

    your baby is now 4.4 pounds. the baby drinks about a pint of fluid a day.
  • After 34 weeks

    Rapid growth continues.
  • After 35 weeks

    the baby is now 3.5 pounds.
  • After 36 weeks

  • After 37 weeks

    developing is now complete.
  • After 38 weeks

    the fetus continues to grow fat.
  • After 39 weeks

    your baby has grown to 20 inches
  • After 40 weeks

    After 40 weeks
    you are now ready to deliver.