Fetel Delvelopment

  • Week 1

    Week 1
    The begining of week one of pregnency consist of the last day of the menstrual preiod.
  • week 2

    week 2
    A baby begins to form from a singal fertilized egg , to a cell the divides very fast. the endometrium thickens to protect the baby.
  • week 3

    week 3
    Week 3 Ovulation Occures. One of the eggs travel down the follopian tube.
  • week 4

    week 4
    The fertilized egg begins dividing and goes down the uterus. right away to fertilization your baby is set as a boy or a girl.
  • week 5

    week 5
    The amniotic fluid is being made up. The egg is now fully grown to the mucous membrane of the uterus which helps protects the egg and things around it.
  • week 6

    week 6
    Embryo is still very small. There ears start to form. not completely developed, but all the major body organs and systems are formed.
  • week 7

    week 7
    The baby's eyes and inner ears are starting to develop. It is about now that your baby' organs start to develope. During this time baby faces start to show a little more.
  • week 8

    week 8
    The limbs are stretching out more and more. Later you feel the baby trying to beat you up. The embryonic tail is almost gone.
  • week 9

    week 9
    During this week your baby is Micheal Phelps swimming in your fluid bag. The arms and legs continue to grow. They fingers and toes are forming, but still are webby.
  • week10

    The unborn baby is now called a fetus. The Fetus will still be moving but you will not be able to feel it moving to until later. Nerves, muscles, and organs start to function.
  • week11

    The baby has a mouth, toes and ears and teeth are now forming. The brain is growing and nerves are begininng to produce more and more. The heart is almost done being developed. You can start guessing how your baby is gonna be.
  • week12

    Your baby now has a chin and a nose and can see his/her face. Vocal chords are done, and the baby can cry very quietly. You can also hear there heart beat.
  • week 13

    week 13
    Your baby is now starting to being a body builder and flexing there muscles.You can acually feel them. The baby's unique fingerprints are already in place.
  • week14

    Your Babys muscles are now becoming stronger each day. The babies eye brows and hair start to develope.
  • week15

    Your baby's legs have grown longer than the arms and the body is now longer than the head. The babys skelton system is now being developed.
  • week16

    Your baby is now brething on there own. These actions help the lungs to develop and grow and grow stronger.
  • week 17

    week 17
    Baby's eyes are looking forward now, but they are closed. The skeleton is tranforming from cartilage to bone. Bones are flexable to make birth easier.
  • week 18

    week 18
    This week the baby Joins the Choir becuase it vocal Cords are developing. Also leanring how to cry but no sound becuase it has no air.
  • week19

    Baby's legs are getting longer and with muscles are getting stronger, you will start feeling much more fighting. If you have not felt movement yet, you will soon.
  • week20

    Your baby is now is sensitive to sound. Baby can acually hear outside of you. Familiar sounds will help calm the baby after birth. Baby is getting more and more close to mom.
  • week21

    Your baby is now producing blood cells, a job done by the liver and spleen until this point. Baby starts to absorb sugar, helped by the liver.
  • week 22

    week 22
    Your baby is about 11 inches long and weighs in at about 1 pound. eye brows and lids are fully developed. Baby can now hear conversations. So better now keep your secrets before the baby rats you out.
  • week 23

    week 23
    Your baby is now getting a workout in you by moving around. Thanks to a fully developed inner ear, which controls balance, so now ypur baby might know if he or she is upside down.
  • week 24

    week 24
    . The baby practices breathing into developing lungs. Now the skin is hsving hair on them. Protected by waxy Substances.
  • week25

    Your babys hands are fully made. The Nerves still have a long way to go still. Your Baby is looking less like Alien.
  • week 26

    week 26
    The baby now responds to Touching and playing with the baby is possible now. Brain growth continues with brain. Now you can play patty cake with your baby.
  • week 27

    week 27
    Week 27 is the Thrid trimester. You can Acually start seeing how the baby is gonna look like. Bones and muscle getting more stronger and baby getting fatter. Just like me.
  • week 28

    week 28
    At this week you want to talk to the baby often so the baby can recoginze your voice they be calm when heaing it. Also Babys can sart to sleep so they can also dream. Fun fact uterus will be fiv inches.
  • week 29

    week 29
    The babys head begins to grow, i think mine grew more than usual but it grows for the brain to develop. Eye begin to move in there sockets and the baby begins to be sensitive to light.
  • week 30

    week 30
    Cell production relies on the bone marrow. Which provides oxygen and removes waste. Which is very critical for the baby. The fetus weighs around 5 Pounds.
  • week31

    Your baby continues to develop and grow.Babys weight should double from now to birth.
  • week 32

    week 32
    During this time the baby sleeps most of the day. The uterus is getting to be a small space , so wont feel much.
  • week 33

    week 33
    The baby is pracricing inhailing now. Drinking a pint of fluids a day.
  • week 34

    week 34
    Skull bones are Flexiable. Still pretty hard to get out the womb.
  • week 35

    week 35
    Lungs are almost fully developed. Your baby's reflexes are coordinated, they turn their head, grasp firmly, and respond to sounds, light and touch. You should still feel movement every day.
  • week 36

    week 36
    Start feeling contractions. Paon gets worst and worst. Baby continues to develope.
  • week 37

    week 37
    Gaining one ounce per day, your baby is growing rapidly. Keep up those exercises, especially your Kegels.
  • week 38

    week 38
    the baby is fully develop. Only job is to gain weight. Which if its my kid is no problem.
  • week 39

    week 39
    Just a week left. Same Job as Last week. Keep the baby Healthy.
  • week 40

    week 40
    You have had your baby. Its a Healthy HAndsome boy. He is 9 pounds 9 inches.