Developing baby

Fetal Development

By Kat33
  • Week 4

    Week 4
    Two layers of cells,the epiblast and the hypoblast,will develop into all the baby's organs and body parts.Arm and leg buds become visible,the eyes and ears start to form.and the heart developes more.Two other structures that develope are the amnion and the yolk sac.The amnion will surround and protect the growing embryo and the yolk sac will produce blood and nourish the embryo until the placenta takes over that role.
  • Week 8

    Week 8
    This week, many changes take place in the baby, who now measures about 1.6cm. The baby's embryonic tail is just about gone, and all his organs, muscles and nerves are beginning to function. In his brain, nerve cells are branching out to connect with one another, forming primitive neural pathways. The baby's hands now bend at the wrist, and his feet are starting to lose their webbed appearance. His eyelids cover more of his eyes and tastebuds are forming on his tongue.
  • Week 10

    Week 10
    From this week until birth, the developing organism is called a fetus.The fetus is now the size of a small strawberry.The face is now well formed.The neck is beginning to take shape.The body muscles are almost developed. Baby has begun movement. It`s still too small for you to feel the baby wriggling and shifting.The jaws are in place.The ears and nose can now be seen clearly.Tooth buds start to appear on the baby.
  • Week 16

    Week 16
    Your baby is now some 10cm long from crown to rump, about the size of an avocado, and weighs about 100g. In the next three weeks she'll go through a tremendous growth spurt, doubling her weight and adding centimetres to her length.Her circulatory system and urinary tract are in full working order, and she's inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid through her lungs. Your baby is immersed in amniotic fluid, which is protecting her as she
  • Week 18

    Week 18
    Your baby is about 12cm long from crown to rump and she weighs about 190g. Her chest moves up and down to mimic breathing. Her blood vessels are visible through her thin skin, and her ears are now in their final position, although they're still standing out from her head a bit. You might start to feel your baby kick, flex, reach, roll, or even suck her thumb
  • Week 21

    Week 21
    Your baby now weighs about three-quarters of a pound and is approximately 10 1/2 inches long— the length of a carrot.You may soon feel like she's practicing martial arts as her initial fluttering movements turn into full-fledged kicks and nudges.In other developments, your baby's eyebrows and lids are present now.Nails also appear on the baby's fingers and toes. weeks_1110.bc
  • Week 26

    Week 26
    Measuring your baby from top to toe with her legs extended, she is probably about 36cm. She weighs a little more than 760g. Your baby's eyes begin to open around now. Her response to sound grows more consistent towards the end of the seventh month, when the network of nerves to her ears is complete. Your baby also continues to take small breaths.
  • Week 30

    Week 30
    The fetus now weighs about 3 pounds (1.4kg).The baby will gain about half a pound a week until week 38.Baby is getting fatter and beginning to control its own body temperature. Baby continues to put on fat stores and the major weight gains will occur in the coming weeks.Eyebrows and eyelashes are fully developed, and hair on the head is getting thicker.Head and body are now proportioned like a newborn.
  • Week 37

    Week 37
    The baby weighs close to 2.8kg and may be about 48.6cm long from head to toe.Your baby's head is now cradled in your pelvic cavity – surrounded and protected by your pelvic bones. This position clears some much-needed space for her growing legs and buttocks.The baby now has a full head of hair.The downy coat of lanugo that covered your baby from 26 weeks has disappeared. The fingernails have fully developed.
  • Week 40

    Week 40
    The baby is getting a little heavier and may grow a bit more in length.The average baby is about 51cm long from head to toe and weighs about 3.4kg at birth.If baby is anywhere between 2.5kg and 3.8kg,that's a healthy weight.The baby's organs grow stronger,the fingernails of the baby is now extended past the fingertips, and the hair on the baby's head grows thicker.