Feminism in iceland the poor poor men 1


  • The Unforgettable Butterflies

    The Unforgettable Butterflies
    The Mirabal sisters were assassinated in the Dominican
  • Feminine Mystique

    Feminine Mystique
    This book written by Betty Friedan pushed into the Second-Wave feminism and wanted women to go outside of their traditional roles.
  • Black Feminism

    Black Feminism
    Black women were in a tough position as whether to join the Black Power movement or the Women's Liberation Movement because neither group was group was specifically for black women. The black women took control and began making their own organizations like the National Black Feminist Organization.
  • Womens Liberation Movement

    Womens Liberation Movement
    The NOW was created as women were pushing for better job fields in the post war era led by Betty Friedan.
  • Chicana Feminism

    Chicana Feminism
    Challenged the Mexican-American women that identified as Chicana and began the Chicana Movement.
  • Fat Feminism

    Fat Feminism
    Women thought that size discrimination was sexist and the Fat Liberation Manifesto was released on this topic.
  • Feminism vs. The Religious Right

    Feminism vs. The Religious Right
    A argument based on the right of a woman to have an abortion. Roe vs Wade.
  • Anti-Porn Feminism

    Anti-Porn Feminism
    As pornography arose the women were angered with how they were being portrayed led by Catharine MacKinnon and Andrea Dworkin.
  • Equity Feminism

    Equity Feminism
    Women maintaining the equality through their own actions and not others.
  • Difference Feminism

    Difference Feminism
    Aimed on the differences of opportunity between men and women and gender neutral idea.
  • Third Wave Feminism

    Third Wave Feminism
    Occurred with the emergence of a sexual harassment case that caused anger and dealt with sterotypes.
  • Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women

    Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women
    Rights of equality, security, liberty, and integrity towards women.
  • Fourth Wave Feminism

    Fourth Wave Feminism
    Social influenced feminism takes lead in the protesting with sexual harassment.
  • Women's March

    Women's March
    Protest following rapes and kidnapping of women.
  • Equal Payday

    Equal Payday
    Drawing attention to the pay gap between men and women with the same job but making different amounts of money.