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Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

  • The Journey Starts

    The  Journey Starts
    Raoul and Gonzo are booking it towards Vegas in order to cover the Mint 400. Let's not forget about the $300,000 plus street valued drugs in the trunk of their car and the fact that they're already high.
  • Checking In

    Checking In
    Raoul and Gonzo check in to their hotel high as kites, almost being arrested. They proceed to add money to their bill despite only having $300 to pay for extra expenses. Before turning in for the night, they decide to visit the site of the Mint 400. Everyone looks like lizard people to Raoul.
  • Attempt to Do Their Jobs

    Attempt to Do Their Jobs
    Raoul and Gonzo go to the Mint 400 in an attempt to do their jobs. They fail miserably and do no kind of reporting. They're still high as kites.
  • The Scene at Circus Circus

    The Scene at Circus Circus
    Raoul and Gonzo black-out and wake up the day after the race. They have no idea what happened and frankly don't really care. They go to the Circus Circus that night where Gonzo was so high that he freaked out about getting off the rotating bar. This wasn't good for team chemistry at all.
  • Acid Trip: Gonzo

    Gonzo gets extremely irritable with Raoul back at the hotel room. So much so that he pulls a knife on Raoul. DrugsRBad.
  • Gonzo Bounces

    Gonzo Bounces
    The hotel sends the protagonists a large bill and a huge pile of expensive soap. Gonzo flees to L.A leaving Raoul with the bill, an unregistered weapon, and the drugs in the trunk of the car
  • New Assignment

    New Assignment
    Raoul gets a new assignment: to cover the drug convention for the sheriffs. He flees without paying the hotel bill and escapes Las Vegas back to Bakersfield.
  • Divine Intervention

    On his way to Baskersfield, Raoul is topped by the police and is nearly arrested and runs into the hitchhiker from the first chapter of the book. He sees these events as the universe telling him the drug conference can't be avoided.
  • Gonzo Comes Back

    Gonzo Comes Back
    Gonzo comes back to join Raoul with a better drug, ancendrophone. They get unbelievably high and once again black-out. They attend the drug convention the next day, high, and note that it's boring.
  • Failed Drug Dealers

    Raoul and Gonzo try to seel the left over drugs in the trunk on the Strip after the conference. A stranger pulls a gun out on them and they peel off in fear for their lives
  • Post Flee

    After fleeing from the stranger with the gun, the two end up in a diner. Gonzo says some unsavory things to the waittress and pulls a knife on her. They cut the phone lines and leave, still high,
  • Return to Vegas

    Return to Vegas
    Raoul and Gonzo return to Veags in order for Gonzo to catch his flight back to L.A. They barely make it on time. Raoul begins to worry about his various crimes and begins to cover up his tracks.
  • Selling a Chimp

    Selling a Chimp
    Rqaoul attempts to buy a chimp from a stranger at a designated drop point. The chimp and it's owner are arrested, but at least Duke figures out the American Dream, right?
  • Caught Up

    Caught Up
    Raoul is escorted off of the casino floor by guards and is to be taken in for questioning. He lies and say's he's a police officer after being shown his picture and speeds off to leave Vegas.
  • End Game

    End Game
    Raoul leaves Vegas on a plane, paranoid, devoid of all life, and high. He finally realizes the whole trip and the American Dream was a waste of time. The last image we see of Raoul is him sniffing another load of amyls. THE END.