–Fase 1 Fundamentación

  • Frederick Taylor - scientific theory

    Frederick Taylor - scientific theory
    He is considered the father of scientific management in 1911 published the book Principles of scientific management.
    Taylor divides the laborer's task into several stages. He proposed a "mental revolution" by both parties, worker and company:
    Union to increase profits.
    Use the scientific method to improve efficiency. Using incentives to increase employee interest and productivity
  • Period: to

    classic managerial thought

  • Henri Fayol- classical theory

    Henri Fayol- classical theory
    The pioneer of the Administrative Doctrine is Henry Fayol (1916), who argued that administration was a common activity for all human enterprises. He published "Industrial Administration." In which he proposes that this should be carried out under the following activities: planning, organization, direction, coordination and control. He also identified the main activities that must be present in any organization: technical, commercial, financial, security, accounting and management.
  • Max Weber - bureaucratic theory

    Max Weber - bureaucratic theory
    Max Weber (1921) was the first to describe the concept of bureaucracy as the ideal form of organizational structure. Weber defines bureaucratic management as an exercise in controlling knowledge bases. There are three concepts that have a lot of impact in administrative theory: concept of bureaucracy, classification of dominance, and characteristics. In addition, his structuralist approach emphasizes the concept of rationality, which explains the behavior of organizations.
  • Elton Mayo - theory of human relations

    Elton Mayo - theory of human relations
    Elton Mayo is considered the initiator
    from the School of Human Relations. Starting
    from FJ's considerations. Roethlisberger and W.J.
    Dickson (1939). Mayo's interest arises in carrying out studies of the Hawthorne plant (19231932) - Need to humanize and
    democratize the administration.
    - The development of calls
    human Sciences.
    -The ideas of prag philosophy-
    John Dewey's math.
    - The conclusions of the experiment
  • ludwig bertalanffy - general system theosy

    ludwig bertalanffy - general system theosy
    General Systems Theory was conceived in the 1940s to provide a theoretical and practical framework in the natural and social sciences. It represented a leap in the logical level of thought and the way of looking at reality that influenced psychology in the construction of a new theory on human communication.
  • Period: to

    general systems theory

  • Herbert Simon - bounded relationality theory

    Herbert Simon - bounded relationality theory
    It states that people make decisions in a partially irrational way due to our cognitive, information and time limitations.
    And what was sought was to replace the classic simplistic orientation of the economic models that existed up to now. His approach leads to the image of a businessman, entrepreneur, with character, whose decisions pursue the objective of increasing the profits of his company.
  • Chandler - contingency theory

    Chandler - contingency theory
    Preserving the existence of business leaders as an independent force whose knowledge is interchangeable between companies, and therefore not tied forever to a single project as was the case with the great businessmen of the 19th century.
  • peter drucker - management theory

    peter drucker - management theory
    Drucker's theory was to introduce into culture, politics and the economy the concept of management as a social function, as a practice that is based on knowledge and responsibility.
  • Peter Drucker - management by objectives

    Peter Drucker - management by objectives
    Also known as management by objectives, it is the goal-setting process in an organization through which managers and employees agree on the goals and understand what they must do in the organization to achieve them.
  • Hammer and Champy - reengineering

    Hammer and Champy - reengineering
    It is a fundamental review and radical redesign of the process to achieve significant improvements in critical and emerging performance metrics such as cost, quality, service, and speed. It is increasingly difficult to master, that is, it is one of the means by which change will be triggered.
  • Gareth Morgan - management theory

    Gareth Morgan - management theory
    Create new forms of organization that distribute brain-like capabilities across initiatives, rather than restricting them to specialized units or parts
  • Period: to

    contemporary administrative approach

  • katz-kahn - systems theory

    katz-kahn - systems theory
    They conceived the organization as an open, sensitive system that evolves and renews itself, capable of responding and continuously exchanging with its surrounding environment. Organizations are open systems, because they maintain an active interaction and a constant exchange of matter, energy and information with their environment: "inputs" enter the system, transforming it within its limits.
  • siglo XXI

    The 21st century is inserted in the human, social
    and organizational with very different conditions
    at the beginning of the 20th century, which leads us to think about the
    administrative and organizational process, but
    above all to rethink the assumptions about the
    which the pillars of thought were built
    modern administrative