Family In History

  • The Hunter Gatherers

    • Started fifteen thousand years ago
    • The Hunter Gatherers made us appear different from primemates, made us become more human.
    • " The Ealiest human families were hunter gatherers " ( Holloway 2012)
    • As long as there were animals and food they could stay in the same location for a while
    • "most or all food is obtained from wild plants and animals, in contrast to agricultural societies which rely mainly on domesticated species"( 2012)
  • The Hunter Gatherers Cont.

    • Some tribes did not wear clothing, but covered there bodies with make- up or other ways they could show there personalitys
    • "Hunter-gatherers are traditionally identified by their tools: bow and arrow, atlatl, harpoon and projectile points." ( 2012 )
    • In 1986 there was still a tribe called the "Urueu- Wau- Wau" ( holloway 2012) lived in brazil
    • "Hunter-gatherer societies were generally very small." ( 2012)
  • Agricultural Families Cont.

    • Women stayed home and looked after children and house hold chores -Men went out and looked after land, and hunting
    • Men became "Patriarchy , in which men were the rulers and decision makers of the family " ( Holloway 2012 )
    • Women were know peoperty of there husbands
    • Arranged marriages formed so that women could produce more children
  • Agricultural Families

    • Occured 11 000 years ago
    • Started in Asia, China, South America and North America
    • Once the Hunter Gatherers started to grow there own food they developed agricultural societies
    • "provided much more food , but it also required a great deal of manual labour"( Holloway 2012)
    • Larger Families were formed , because it was more of a permant location to live
    • Familes could have more land and become more weathier , escpcially when they grew food
  • Pre- Industrial Families

    • Developed in the 1600 -1700's
    • Agricultural families grew into towns and villiages
    • More people came to settle into a more permant place to live
    • " Merchants and Artisans began to work from home so there children could help with the work " ( Holloway 2012)
    • Father was still the head of the household
    • young men were learning trades from fathers and other families
    • had fewer children
  • Pre- Industrial Families Cont.

    • "The organization of the pre-industrial family is now believed to be similar to modern types of family" ( 2012)
    • You didnt have to be in love to be married
    • Girls and wifes would do the house hold work
    • Men and Women worked together to work on the land
  • Urban Industrial

    • Developed in the 1940's - 1950's
    • Status of women and girls changed they no longer had to stay home and do house work they could go get jobs
    • Children had to attended school instead of go to work with there mothers or fathers
    • Became a Consumer family
    • Husband was the main provider in the family , also the head of the household
    • in 1950 the nuclear family developed
    • after world war 2, the economy expaned and the baby boom started
    • Could afford to have a larger family
  • Urban Industrial Families Cont.

    • "Statistics show that Canadian Women in that time period averaged for children each" ( Hollway 2012)
  • Referance Sheet