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Facts & reaons as to why I think everyone in the world should become vegetarians..

By KevaD
  • Chinese people (living mainly on a vegetarian diet) consume 20% more calories than Americans and yet Americans are 20% fatter

    Chinese people (living mainly on a vegetarian diet) consume 20% more calories than Americans and yet Americans are 20% fatter
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    Our health;

  • Of 2,100,000 deaths in the USA in 1987, 1,500,000 were related to diet (ie. meat & dairy)

    Of 2,100,000 deaths in the USA in 1987, 1,500,000 were related to diet (ie. meat & dairy)
  • 80% of food poisoning is due to infected meat, most of the rest is due to salmonella in eggs.

    80% of food poisoning is due to infected meat, most of the rest is due to salmonella in eggs.
  • Farmed animals contain up to 50% saturated fat in their bodies.

    Farmed animals contain up to 50% saturated fat in their bodies.
  • Fish contain heavy metals & other pollutants -many of which originated on farms.

    Fish contain heavy metals & other pollutants -many of which originated on farms.
  • Meat is full of traces of antibiotics, hormones, toxins produced by stress & pesticide residues that become concentrated from all the crops they have eaten.

    Meat is full of traces of antibiotics, hormones, toxins produced by stress & pesticide residues that become concentrated from all the crops they have eaten.
  • In the UK animals are killed by first being stunned with electricity or a captive bolt gun (ie. a bolt is fired into their heads) before having their throats slit & being plunged into boiling water – all this happens on a production line with the animals

    In the UK animals are killed by first being stunned with electricity or a captive bolt gun (ie. a bolt is fired into their heads) before having their throats slit & being plunged into boiling water – all this happens on a production line with the animals
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    Our Animals;

  • Cows naturally produce 5 litres of milk per day for their calves – under the intensified systems of modern farming they produce 25-40 litres per day – resulting in swollen & inflamed udders – at this rate they are soon worn out

    Cows naturally produce 5 litres of milk per day for their calves – under the intensified systems of modern farming they produce 25-40 litres per day – resulting in swollen & inflamed udders – at this rate they are soon worn out
  • Cows were fed on the ground up remains of other cows & sheep – the result is thought to be BSE (mad cow disease) in the USA cattle are fed partly on recycled plastic pellets.

    Cows were fed on the ground up remains of other cows & sheep – the result is thought to be BSE (mad cow disease) in the USA cattle are fed partly on recycled plastic pellets.
  • 4000 animals die spurting their blood out every minute in a British slaughterhouse

    4000 animals die spurting their blood out every minute in a British slaughterhouse
  • Chicks are debeaked without anaesthetic to prevent them injuring each other in the unnaturally confined conditions they are kept in – this is equivalent to having your fingernails pulled out without anaesthetic.

    Chicks are debeaked without anaesthetic to prevent them injuring each other in the unnaturally confined conditions they are kept in – this is equivalent to having your fingernails pulled out without anaesthetic.
  • Fishermen’s nets kill 10 times as many other animals as the fish they are hoping to catch.

    Fishermen’s nets kill 10 times as many other animals as the fish they are hoping to catch.
  • 70% of all grain are fed to animals

    70% of all grain are fed to animals
    Between 1950 & 1985 grain production in Europe & the USA increased massively but 2/3 was fed to animals. That's alot less for us humans, don't cha think?
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    Our Efficiency;

  • In the USA in 1979 145,000,000 tons of crops were fed to cattle resulting in only 21million tons of animal bodies – the cost of the wasted crops was $20,000,000,000

    In the USA in 1979 145,000,000 tons of crops were fed to cattle resulting in only 21million tons of animal bodies – the cost of the wasted crops was $20,000,000,000
  • Meat & dairy farming uses billions of gallons of oil to run tractors, fuel ships & lorries (to move animal feed & animals), pump billions of gallons of water to irrigate fields & run slaughterhouses, power refrigeration units to prevent the corpses from d

    Meat & dairy farming uses billions of gallons of oil to run tractors, fuel ships & lorries (to move animal feed & animals), pump billions of gallons of water to irrigate fields & run slaughterhouses, power refrigeration units to prevent the corpses from d
  • If the full ecological cost of meat was passed onto the consumer – the price would be quadrupled (at least)

    If the full ecological cost of meat was passed onto the consumer – the price would be quadrupled (at least)
  • The EC spends $100,000,000’s to subsidise animal production, resulting in lakes of unwanted milk & mountains of unwanted meat & butter. This money could be better spent encouraging organic fruit, vegetable & grain production.

  • To produce 1 calorie of energy from meat it takes 60 calories of petrol, whereas growing grains & legumes to directly feed people produces 20 calories for each calorie of fuel used

    To produce 1 calorie of energy from meat it takes 60 calories of petrol, whereas growing grains & legumes to directly feed people produces 20 calories for each calorie of fuel used
  • The liquid waste from the various parts of the meat & dairy industry flow into the rivers & from there into the seas polluting them & encouraging huge algal blooms to grow

    The liquid waste from the various parts of the meat & dairy industry flow into the rivers & from there into the seas polluting them & encouraging huge algal blooms to grow
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    Our Water;

  • 18% of all agricultural land in the world is irrigated & as global warming increases (partly due to animal farming) it will cost $200,000,000 to keep these systems going.

    18% of all agricultural land in the world is irrigated & as global warming increases (partly due to animal farming) it will cost $200,000,000 to keep these systems going.
    The water used to produce a 1000 lb beef steer is enough to float a Destroyer battleship - that's insane.
  • Aquafers (stores of underground water) in the San Joaquin valley in the USA are being drained at the rate of 500,000,000,000 gallons/year to produce meat

    Aquafers (stores of underground water) in the San Joaquin valley in the USA are being drained at the rate of 500,000,000,000 gallons/year to produce meat
    And depletion of groundwater reserves to grow crops for animals & to supply abattoirs will lead to greater water shortages.
  • The water used to produce 10 lbs of steak is equivalent to the average consumption of water for an entire household for an entire year.

    The water used to produce 10 lbs of steak is equivalent to the average consumption of water for an entire household for an entire year.
  • In the USA every second humans produce 12,000 lbs of effluent while farmed animals produce 250,000 lbs

    In the USA every second humans produce 12,000 lbs of effluent while farmed animals produce 250,000 lbs
    Bloody waste water from abattoirs ends up in our rivers. Nitrates & pesticides used on crops grown to feed livestock also end up in our rivers.
  • It takes 25 gallons of water to produce 1lb of wheat, while it takes 2500 gallons to produce 1lb of meat.

    It takes 25 gallons of water to produce 1lb of wheat, while it takes 2500 gallons to produce 1lb of meat.
  • CO2 is released by burning oil & petrol in lorries, ships, abattoirs, dairies, factories etc. associated with meat & dairy production.

    CO2 is released by burning oil & petrol in lorries, ships, abattoirs, dairies, factories etc. associated with meat & dairy production.
    And emissions from large chemical plants which produce fertilizer, weedkiller & other agricultural chemicals are also poisoning our air.
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    Our Air;

  • 25% of methane emissions are due to animal farming (not including the billions of sheep, pigs & poultry so the real figure is much higher)

    25% of methane emissions are due to animal farming (not including the billions of sheep, pigs & poultry so the real figure is much higher)
  • The 1,300,000,000 cattle in the world emit 60,000,000 tons of methane per year (methane is a greenhouse gas & leads to global warming)

    The 1,300,000,000 cattle in the world emit 60,000,000 tons of methane per year (methane is a greenhouse gas & leads to global warming)
  • The destruction of the rainforest by cattle farmers is destroying the lungs of the planet & reducing the worlds capacity to replenish our oxygen supply.

    The destruction of the rainforest by cattle farmers is destroying the lungs of the planet & reducing the worlds capacity to replenish our oxygen supply.
  • Burning of forests, grasslands & agricultural waste associated with animal farming releases 50-100,000,000 tons of methane per year.

    Burning of forests, grasslands & agricultural waste associated with animal farming releases 50-100,000,000 tons of methane per year.
  • Ammonia from animal urine pollutes the atmosphere.

    Ammonia from animal urine pollutes the atmosphere.
  • If they continue to clear American forests to raise cattle at the present rate, in 50 years there will be none left.

    If they continue to clear American forests to raise cattle at the present rate, in 50 years there will be none left.
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    Our Land;

  • 8/10 of cultivated land in the UK is used to grow food for animals (14,732,000 hectares)

    8/10 of cultivated land in the UK is used to grow food for animals (14,732,000 hectares)
  • Since 1945 in the UK we have lost 95% of flower meadows, 50% of ancient woodlands, 40% of heathlands, 50% of wet lands & 224,000 km of hedgerows all due to animal farming.

    Since 1945 in the UK we have lost 95% of flower meadows, 50% of ancient woodlands, 40% of heathlands, 50% of wet lands & 224,000 km of hedgerows all due to animal farming.
  • Pressure on land due to meat farming leads to soil erosion 6billion tons/year in the USA

    Pressure on land due to meat farming leads to soil erosion 6billion tons/year in the USA
    If everyone went vegetarian up to 90% of land used for animal farming could be taken out of production & used to replant woodlands, leisure activities etc.
  • Between 1966-1983 38% of the Amazon rain forest was destroyed for cattle grazing...

    Between 1966-1983 38% of the Amazon rain forest was destroyed for cattle grazing...
    And 25% of Central america’s forests have been destroyed for cattle grazing since 1960, also.
  • 90% of cattle ranches established on cleared forest land go bankrupt in less than 8 years as the land becomes barren due to nutrient loss & overgrazing.

    90% of cattle ranches established on cleared forest land go bankrupt in less than 8 years as the land becomes barren due to nutrient loss & overgrazing.
    An inch of topsoil takes 200-1000 years to develop – yet in the USA they have lost around 1/3 of their prime topsoil in 200 years (around 7 inches) due to animal farming
  • Due to overgrazing, 850,000,000 people live on land threatened by desertification & over 230,000,000 already live on land so severely desertified that they are unable to sustain their existence & face imminent starvation.

    Due to overgrazing, 850,000,000 people live on land threatened by desertification & over 230,000,000 already live on land so severely desertified that they are unable to sustain their existence & face imminent starvation.
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    Our People;

  • The UK imports $46,000,000 worth of grain from third world countries to feed our livestock...

    The UK imports $46,000,000 worth of grain from third world countries to feed our livestock...
    In third world countries like this, every 1 in 10 babies die before their first birthday.
  • Intensification in animal farming has displaced 1,000,000’s of people from their traditional lands – eg. indigenous people in south & central America, native Americans in north America & crofters in Great Britain – this is continuing today

    Intensification in animal farming has displaced 1,000,000’s of people from their traditional lands – eg. indigenous people in south & central America, native Americans in north America & crofters in Great Britain – this is continuing today
    People displaced from their lands into cities succumb to dietary deficiency, diseases, parasites & opportunistic diseases.
  • Every 3 seconds a child dies of starvation somewhere in the world.

    Every 3 seconds a child dies of starvation somewhere in the world.
    20 vegetarians can live off the land required by one meat eater.
  • Every year in the UK we feed our livestock enough food to feed 250,000,000 people while in the world 30,000,000 people die of starvation.

    Every year in the UK we feed our livestock enough food to feed 250,000,000 people while in the world 30,000,000 people die of starvation.
  • 1,000,000,000 people in the west gorging on meat & dairy leave 1,000,000,000 to waste away & 3,500,000,000 teeter on the brink.

    1,000,000,000 people in the west gorging on meat & dairy leave 1,000,000,000 to waste away & 3,500,000,000 teeter on the brink.