Eyewitness to History

  • Period: to

    Eyewiness to history

  • Watergate Scandal

    Watergate Scandal
    -The president had to turn over 64 presidencial conversations.
    -This event effected how everyone thought about the government and trusting the president
  • Nixon resigns

    Nixon resigns
    -Nixon was the first president ever to resign he was going to be impeached but he resigned before he could be impeached
  • Saigon Falls

    Saigon Falls
    -They wanted to get the Americans out and so they go them out, but then they started putting helicopters into the water.
  • Carter Wins

    Carter Wins
    -He was going to help the country and get people out of the war.
  • leak in a nucluer power plant

    leak in a nucluer power plant
    -greatest nucluer cover up ever.
    -the dame broke and let all the stuff into the water.
  • Fail to get out hostiges

    Fail to get out hostiges
    -People needed help out of hostiges and they could not get to them
  • John Lennon shot

    John Lennon shot
    -shot 5 times, but the first shot missed him but all the rest are what killed hime
    -Chapmen shot him
  • Ronald Reagan attemped assisination

    Ronald Reagan attemped assisination
    -He was a good president and started changing a lot of things and doing good for the country and the country was suprised when they heard it was an attemped because a lot of people liked him
  • The Challenger exploded

    The Challenger exploded
    -all the people died
    -they thought everything was going to be alright but then something went wrong and they all died
  • AIDS is cancer?

    AIDS is cancer?
    -Magic Johnson soon came out and said he has aids and it rose awarness
    - Aids was seen to be cancerous.
  • Tearing down of the Berlin Wall

    Tearing down of the Berlin Wall
    -president reagan made a speech to tear down the wall
    -people that attempeted to cross the wall were shot.
  • Magic Johnson tested possitive for HIV viruse

    Magic Johnson tested possitive for HIV viruse
    -Since he was so famous it rose great awarness of AIDs and people didnt think it was so bad anymore
  • Oklahoma State bomb killed people

    Oklahoma State bomb killed people
    -This effected many families
    -Timothy Mcibay set the bomb off
  • Tried impeachement of a president

    Tried impeachement of a president
    -Bill Clinton had an affair so they tried to impeach him.
  • President Clinton gave a speech about his affair

    President Clinton gave a speech about his affair
    -Everyone now though he was like the worst president ever and many people were mad and disappointed in him.