
Expo '17- Thematic Timeline of Science and Technology- Shrill Patel

  • Canada Highway Ac

    Canada Highway Ac
    The Canadian Highway Act should be included in my timeline because when then federal government built 40 000 kilometers of highway/roads, it provided convenience for it’s citizens (Hogeveen and Murdoch 217). Another reason why I think that this event should be included into my timeline because it made Canadians more mobile and helped with the expansion/development of cities (Hogeveen and Murdoch 217). Picture Source: (Glenbow Archives/NA-1019-68)
  • Vaccine Against Tuberculosis was Made

    Vaccine Against Tuberculosis was Made
    This event is significant enough to be included into my timeline because TB had affect many Canadians during the 1920s and onwards (Hogeveen and Murdoch 218). When different doctors and health groups started vaccination programs, they became a model for the widespread of TB vaccinations and it then became a preventable disease (Hogeveen and Murdoch 218). Picture Source: (The Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, University of Toronto)
  • Discovery of Penicillin

    Discovery of Penicillin
    This discovery reduced the number of amputations and deaths on the battlefield of WW2. When a soldier was treated with penicillin, he/she had a less likely chance of dying from infection. It was discovered in 1928, but it had never been mass produced before the WW2 (Hogeveen and Murdoch 295). Picture Source: (Research and Development Division, Schenley Laboratories Inc., Lawrenceburg, Indiana, USA)
  • Arthur Sicard Invented the First Snowblower

    Arthur Sicard Invented the First Snowblower
    Arthur Sicard was a farmer and one day he saw wheat being harvested and thought that something similar could be made to pick up and blow snow away (Melady). Many of his first attempts failed, but sooner or later he had built a 90 feet machine that cleaned snow off of the streets. After his invention he had decided to patent it (Melady). Picture Source: ("The History of Snow Blowers")
  • Don Hings Invented the Walkie Talkie

    Don Hings Invented the Walkie Talkie
    How did the creation of the walkie-talkie impact/affect the lives of soldiers fighting in the war and their communication? The earliest version of this invention was designed as a portable field radio (Gross). The first walkie-talkie was neglected by the rest of the world until the war broke out in 1939 (Gross). His invention became a big and valuable piece of technology for the war (Gross). Picture Source:("Walkie Talkie")
  • Development of the Computerized Weather Forecasting System

    Development of the Computerized Weather Forecasting System
    The development of the computerized weather forecasting system is significant enough to be included in my timeline because it helped not only Canadians but the rest of the world know what the weather is outside . We are now able to know what it is like outside due to all of the data coming in from all of the satellites stations around the world, which changes how people live now ("Top ten scientific achievements"). Picture Source: ("Galarneau Braille Computer/Printer")
  • Alfred J. Gross Invented the Pager

    Alfred J. Gross Invented the Pager
    His invention had generated high praise from the joint chiefs of staff which shortened the war and saved many lives (Woo). This urged the use of his invention for civilian use (Woo). The successful business gave Gross the money and freedom to continue inventing and improving his inventions (Woo). Picture Source: ("Did You Know This Invention Is Canadian")
  • The Discovery of the Computerized Trackball for a Mouse

    The Discovery of the Computerized Trackball for a Mouse
    The original trackballs were intended to be used for radars following WW2 (Remple). The first trackball was constructed with a bowling ball, making it innovative but very heavy (Remple). Trackballs have come a long way since over 6 decades ago (Remple). Picture Source: (Vardalas)
  • John Hopps Developed the First Pacemaker

    John Hopps Developed the First Pacemaker
    John Hopps indeed create a life-saving device because many people are saved by it today (Remple). He made the pacemaker based on research from 2 professors at the Banting Institute of Toronto (Remple). He benefited from this because he himself had a pacemaker installed in his heart (Remple). Picture Source: (Remple)
  • Lewis Urry Invented the Alkaline Battery

    Lewis Urry Invented the Alkaline Battery
    He was ordered to increase the life of the standard carbon-zinc batteries and his response was to create a whole different battery (Reed). He created batteries that were 40 times longer lasting ones that they were selling earlier (Reed). After this invention of his, he still was working on other ideas that haven’t been revealed yet (Reed). Picture Source: ("The Answer to Who Invented the Battery Will Surely Surprise You")
  • James Till and Ernest McCulloch Discovered Blood-Forming Stem Cells

    James Till and Ernest McCulloch Discovered Blood-Forming Stem Cells
    What was the importance of the blood-forming stem cells and how did their research effect the world of medical care in the long run ? This discovery ultimately lead to the use of bone marrow transplants as a treatment for leukemia (Kates). Spawned a legacy of groundbreaking research and innovation from Canada.Then they became the first researchers to successfully be able to isolate a single human blood stem cell (Kates). Picture Source: ("James Till")
  • IMAX

    How did the creation of IMAX change the film industries and how would they change the way they make films in the future? IMAX lead into many advances/innovations in the film industries (Acland). The developers created a camera system that projected high resolution pictures and a wider projection (Acland). IMAX has improved the way movies have been watched by people providing them with astonishing sound a pictures (Acland). Picture Source: ("Bradford Imax Cinema")
  • Canadian Government Created Telesat Canada

    Canadian Government Created Telesat Canada
    Why was domestic communication so important to Canada that they had to create a whole new satellite for it? Canada played a major part in advancing communication technologies in space (Hoogeveen and Murdoch).They created the Telesat satellite to focus on domestic communications (Hoogeveen and Murdoch). Due to Canada large size, providing domestic communication systems by satellite was a must (Hoogeveen and Murdoch). Picture Source: (The Canadian Press/AP Photo/Aynsley Floyed)
  • Te Theory of Plate Tectonics

    Te Theory of Plate Tectonics
    The earth’s crust is made up of series of floating tectonic plates ("Discoveries and Innovations"). When these plates shift or slide past each other, the by products are earthquakes ("Discoveries and Innovations"). John Tuzo Wilson created the theory of the plate tectonics ("Discoveries and Innovations"). Picture Source: ("Mid Ocean Ridge Processes")
  • Helmut Lucas Invented the first Prosthetic Arm

    Helmut Lucas Invented the first Prosthetic Arm
    The invention of the prosthetic arm by Helmut Lucas is significant to put into my timeline because his creation helped many people around the world live a normal human life (Bellis). The invention of the prosthetic arm impacted the medical world in a profound way because back in the day they had no replacements for amputated ligaments (Bellis). Picture Source: ("6 Important Canadian Inventors")
  • Roland Galarneau Invented the Computerized Braille

    Roland Galarneau Invented the Computerized Braille
    Important inventor in the computerized production of braille (Bellis). He began developing an idea for a machine that can automatically print text into braille (Bellis). The machine that he created was basically a computer linked to a electromechanical typewriter (Bellis). Picture Source: ("Galarneau Braille Computer/Printer")
  • The Canadarm

    The Canadarm
    Canada’s most famous technological achievements ("Five Canadian Contributions to Science"). Helped make Canada a country that everyone knows for robotic development ("Five Canadian Contributions to Science"). It’s perfect performance record and unique design set a new model for space engineering ("Five Canadian Contributions to Science"). Picture Source: ("Canadarm -- The Background")
  • Lorne Elias Invented the Explosives Vapour Detector

    Lorne Elias Invented the Explosives Vapour Detector
    He led an NRC team that was monitoring the move of pesticides from the spraying of budworm ("Discoveries and Innovations"). He designed a device that could chemically smell the vapour let off by the pesticides which is the same way of smelling explosives ("Discoveries and Innovations"). His invention, when put to the test, was very effective in “sniffing” out the explosives ("Discoveries and Innovations"). Picture Source: ("Top 10 Canadian Universities to study and their Inventions Comments")
  • James Gosling Invented JAVA

    James Gosling Invented JAVA
    What other kinds of web services were there when Java was first created and why did everyone think differently about web services in a technological perspective? JAVA is programming language and a technological environment (Bellis). Originally developed as a part of the Green project at the Sun company (Bellis). JAVA changed the whole world of technology because it impacted it greatly (Bellis). Picture Source: ("James Gosling Quotes")
  • Canada Successfully Developed a Vaccine for Ebola

    Canada Successfully Developed a Vaccine for Ebola
    This event should be included into my timeline because the Ebola outbreak had affected so many people around the world. Due to Ebola’s significance, Canada was the only country to successfully make a vaccination against Ebola that would be 100% effective when used to treat it and the got the outbreak under control in a short period of time (Elliot). Picture Source: (Yang)