Evolutionary Timeline

By Bob@
  • Leviathan

    Thomas Hobbes, and English philosopher, publishes a book depicting his ideals on a social contrast and a commonwealth.
  • 1660: Spontaneous Generation

    1660: Spontaneous Generation
    New instruments that magnify allow for people to find out about cells and how they reproduce
  • Black Plague

    Black Plague
    2/3 of England is evacuated to escape the deadly disease
  • Linnaeus

    Linnaeus attempts and succeeds in documenting the different classes of organisms on Earth, setting example for Darwin later on.
  • S. Carolina Slave Revolt

    75 slaves with liberated weaponry run off to Florida; the resistance was crushed by the S. Carolina militia.
  • Comte de Buffon

    Comte de Buffon
    Buffon proposes that living things evolve by observing natural laws.
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau

    Jean-Jacques Rousseau
    Rousseau's Discourse on the Origins of Inequality is published
  • Zoonomania

    Erasmus Darwin, grandfather to Charles, pens book questioning whether humans evolved from cells.
  • Inoculation in England

    Inoculation in England
    Edward Jenner tests vaccines against smallpox, though he does not not know how it works.
  • Lamarck

    Lamarck proposes that living things become more complex when they evolve over time.
  • Napoleon

    Napoleon's deadly march into Russia is not faring well, and many of his troops are freezing to death before they reach their destination.
  • Cuvier

    The construction of canals, etc. has caused the discovery of lost species, and Cuvier proposes that catastrophes eliminated these organisms.
  • Mexican Affairs

    Mexico, interested in populating Texas, allows Stephen F. Austin to sell plots of land to settlers.
  • Lyell

    Lyell argues the age of the Earth, hinting that slow-moving, gradual processes shape Earth's geology.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Andrew Jackson puts the Indian Removal Act into action, making more room for settlers to stay.
  • Beagle Sets Sail

    Beagle Sets Sail
    Darwin's 5-year journey begins, where he will gather crucial information about what he will soon theorize.
  • Tempo Famine

    Too much rain leads to Japanese famine that ends prosperity for a while, and causes around 300,000 deaths.
  • Darwin's Secret Journals

    Darwin puts his most controversial theory of the Galapagos Islands' finches in separate notebooks, reluctant to share the information.
  • Rubber

    Charles Goodyear invents vulcanization, allowing for manmade production of rubber.
  • Vestiges of Natural History

    Vestiges of Natural History
    Robert Chambers anonymously publishes book on evolutionary ideas to avoid attack, and is met with incredible opposition.
  • Annexation of Texas

    US approves of annexation of Texas; Mexico breaks relations with the US.
  • Lord Kelvin

    Lord Kelvin
    William Thompson guesses the age of the Earth to be around 100 million years old.
  • Gold

    California Gold Rush starts, and thousands of immigrants flood to the state in hopes of finding a better life.
  • Neanderthal

    Fossil skull is found in Neander Valley, Germany. The head looks extremely similar to those of human remains.
  • Dred Scott Case

    The Supreme Court rules that slaves, free or not, do not hold rights as a person and therefore have no right to appeal to court.
  • Flint Tools Discovered

    Flint Tools Discovered
    With tools now uncovered, scientists began to think about the mental and physical capabilities of our ancestors.
  • Rabbits

    Imported rabbits in Australia causes massive destruction to ecological balance in the area.
  • Origin of Species

    Origin of Species
    Darwin publishes his theory of evolution through natural selection, and starts a storm of discussion on the subject.
  • Russian Serfs

    Russian Serfs
    Tsar Alexander II issues his proclamation ending serfdom.
  • Theory of Evolution Accepted

    Theory of Evolution Accepted
    Prominent scientists begin to accept the work, though some still question it.
  • Tree Dating

    Tree Dating
    Approximating a tree's age by the amount of their rings begins.
  • Fossil Display

    Museum of Natural History opens in the US, displaying fossils and making evolutionary studies a popular subject.
  • Japanese Begins Industrializing

    The Meiji government sends out diplomats to the West, hoping to find out more about the innovations and banking and agricultural techniques.
  • Descent of Man

    Descent of Man
    Darwin publishes his second book, giving a continuation to his theories and linking them to the evolution of mankind.
  • Diamonds

    South Africa becomes the largest diamond producer in the world.
  • Horse Fossils

    Horse Fossils
    The discovery of horse fossils links them back to a common ancestor with 4 toes.
  • Bismarck

    Interested in world peace, Bismarck forms defensive alliance Germany with Austria-Hungary.
  • Social Darwinism

    Theories of competition to survive in a social setting are surfacing in Europe, eventually inspiring individuals like Hitler.
  • Famous Europeans

    Karl Marx dies, John Maynard Keynes and Benito Mussolini are born.
  • Radioactivity

    Antoine H. Becquerel uses radioactivity found in the Earth to approximate our planet's age.
  • First US Subway

    The first underground railway system is established in Boston, Massachusetts.
  • Piltdown Man

    Piltdown Man
    Another fossil skull is found that starts debate on the "missing link" between man and primate. The skull is later found to be fake.
  • World War 1

    World War 1 begins
  • Scopes Trial

    Scopes Trial
    Famous case tried in the Supreme Court arguing whether or not evolution should be taught in schools in the US.
  • Communists vs. Nationalists

    Communists vs. Nationalists
    The Kuomintang wages war on Chiang Kai-Shek.
  • Scopes Myth

    The Scopes Trial is parodied and poked fun at, misleading the public.
  • Hitler

    Hitler is named Chancellor of Germany, and promises to bring his country to glory and victory against the failures of the first world war.
  • Neo-Darwinism

    Innovative ideas have been placed on Darwin's theories, with genetics leading the way in understanding how organisms became the way they are.
  • D-Day

    Allied Forces enter France, taking control of the control of the country and establishing a 2-front war against the Axis.
  • DDT

    The overuse of this pesticide has produced DDT-resistant bug species, that foreshadow antibiotic-resistant superbugs we see today.
  • World War 2 Ends

    Japan surrenders after Fat Man and Little Boy bombs are dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
  • DNA

    DNA double-helix structure has been discovered, allowing for understanding of how genomes work.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    John F. Kennedy manages to stop the Cold War from escalating, and turning back the ships carrying missiles to Cuba before another war could erupt.
  • Humans and Apes

    DNA between man and primates, namely apes, have been found to have extremely similar correlations between them.
  • Floppy disk

    Floppy disk
    The floppy disk in the computer is introduced, allowing for new storage technology to hit the markets
  • Lucy

    A 4-million-year-old skeletal remains of the oldest common ancestor of humans documented is found, named Lucy after the Beatles' song.
  • Chinese Wonder

    Chinese Wonder
    The terracotta army found in Xi-An, China, bears witness to the dedication of the Chinese towards their emperor.
  • Sociobiology

    A new branch of science is formed that studies evolution's effects on human behavior.
  • Apple

    First Apple computer is founded.
  • DNA Codes

    DNA Codes
    DNA sequencing technology greatly advances, making gene documentation easier and inexpensive compared to before.
  • World Trade Center

    The Twin Towers are bombed, and a devastated nation begins its fight with radical terrorism.
  • Human Genome

    Human Genome
    1st draft of the human genome is documented, giving scientists insight on how we correspond with the many other diverse species on Earth.