Brooklyn bridge

Evolution Theory

  • Spontaneous Generation

    New intruments of magnification are fueling scientific research
  • linnaeus's systems naturae chart life

    Swedish botonist Carl von Linne attempts to classify all life on earth
  • Comte de buffon

    Speculates that living creatures evolve according to natural laws
  • Erasmus Darwin Zoonomia

    charles darwins Pop a man of many names, toys with a daring idea. That all warm blooded beings evolved from one living specimen
  • Darwin Bord

    This was the year Charles Dawin was born. It \was in Britain, at the time it was at war with France.
  • Lamarck champions evolutyion

    Belives all specimens evolved through time.
  • Cuvier

    Cuvier sees catastrophes in fossil record
  • Lyell describes immense age of earth

    describes the age of earth and its inhabitents. Bones of specimens have been compared to new ones
  • Beagle voyage

    It transforms Darwin from 1831-1836. He spends his life on this voyage.
  • Darwin's diaries

    Darwin creates a collection of diaries displaying his definition of life and evolution
  • Anonymous

    Vesstiges of natural history of creation becomes a notorious bestseller in England.
  • nendathol man son of adam?

    Unearthiing skulls resembles adam and eve
  • Wallace

    Alfred Russel Wallace, a young British explorer, writes Darwin from Malaysia, seeking the older naturalist's advice.
  • Flint tools

    A chance discovery raises the question whether humans existed tens of thousands or even millions of years in the past.
  • mendal's break throughs go unnoticed

    This bloke made a paper explaining how the human has traits that were passed down through generations
  • Evolution Accepted

    Some prominent scientists continue to reject the idea of revolution, but now it is becoming main stream science after the book On the Origin of Species.
  • Fabulous fossils

    A fossil hunt is called through westens regions of north america. They find cool dinosaurs and most are now found in the museum of natural history
  • The descent of man

    Unlike that book, Darwin now unabashedly takes on human evolution. This was his new book.
  • Horse fossils

    Tom Huxley captures public imagination and peices together the puzzle of evolution
  • Social Darwinism

    Even before Charles Darwin publishes his On the Origin of Species, the English social scientist Herbert Spencer proclaims that a struggle for existence in human society leads, in effect, to its revolution.
  • Radioactivity points to human earth

    Radioactivity is discovered by antoine henri Becquerel
  • Mendel Rediscovered

    The obscure work of a Moravian monk is brought to light and becomes a cornerstone in the emerging science of genetics.
  • Missing Link

    An anphibious fossil resembeling humanity is found
  • Scopes trial

    This legendary test case over the teaching of human revolution makes headlines around the world.
  • Taungs man like ape stirs fury

    First ape like man is found in a limeston quarry
  • Scopes Myth

    A popular yet inaccurate history of the 1920s called Only Yesterday promotes a cartoonlike tale of the scopes trail.
  • Neo-Darwinism adds new theory

    Scientists now understand genetic mutations
  • DDT

    In the first of many cases to come, a powerful insecticide spurs the evolution of insects resistant to its onslaught.
  • DNA puzzle solved

    Science has known for decades that genes determine the traits of living things and that they passed down through generations.
  • Origins of life

    Experiments concerning electricity and soup is conducted to create amino