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Evolution of the Computer

  • Period: 9999 BCE to 600 BCE

    Prehistoric and Ancient Times

    When considering the evolution of the computer, we often overlook where this evolution truly began. Ever since the prehistoric era, mankind was already making advances which would lead to the wonder that we know today as the Internet of things. Prehisoric and Ancient Times
  • 7900 BCE

    Discovery of Fire

    Discovery of Fire
  • Period: 500 to

    Medieval and Modern TImes

    In the Medieval era, knowledge belonged to the Universities and monasteries, both of course controlled by the clergy. This period is characterised by its numerous technological advancements.
    Modern and Medieval Times
  • 1440

    Invention of the Printing Press

    Invention of the Printing Press
  • Invention of the Slide Rule by William Oughtred

    Invention of the Slide Rule by William Oughtred
  • Invention of the Pascaline

    Invention of the Pascaline
  • Invention of the Step Reckoner

    Invention of the Step Reckoner
  • Period: to

    Contemporary Era

    The Contemporary era is the name given to the time period that has been taking place for the past few centuries (1789 to this day). It is in this era when the fabled Charles Babbage invents the first ever computer, designed to solve arithmetic problems. The evolution of Computers can be divided into 6 generations, each more advanced than the last. Generations of computers
  • Invention of the Analytical Engine

    Invention of the Analytical Engine
  • Vaccum tubes used in computers for the first time

    Vaccum tubes used in computers for the first time
  • Transistors used in computers for the first time

    Transistors used in computers for the first time
  • Integrated Circuits used in computers for the first time

    Integrated Circuits used in computers for the first time
  • Microprocessors used in computers for the first time

    Microprocessors used in computers for the first time
  • Google is Founded

    Google is Founded
  • Beggining of the Era of Artificial Intelligence

    Beggining of the Era of Artificial Intelligence