Evolution of Computers and Technology

By dance76
  • Invention of e-mail

    Invention of e-mail
    The e-mail was invented by Ray Tomlinson. He worked with Bolt Beranek and Newman as their contractor. To send messages between comptures he chose to use the "@" symbol. The first email was sent to computers that were sitting right next to each other. The message was "QWERTYUIOP."
  • Apple Computers

    Apple Computers
    Apple computers were founded by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. Wozniak who designed the whole computer. It was the first computer using a circuit board. After it was made, Steve Jobs had to persuade Steve Wozniak to sell the first Apple computer after it was finallty complete with all the parts.
  • Development of DOS

    Development of DOS
    The International Business Machine Corporation or IBM hired Bill Gates and Paul Allen. They wanted them to produce a new system for the personal computer. They purchased an operating system and created a template to develop the full version of DOS. DOS was supposed to be called Quick and Dirty Operating System when the name was being thought of.
  • Wordperfect

    Wordperfect was created by Corel Corporation. It is a word processing application that helps you store data you find. It has a long history of personal computer platforms. Wordperfect known to be used in schools, work and in meetings.
  • Java

    Java was made by James Gosling in 1995 at Sun Microsystems. The purpose of Java being invented was to invent a program to express language. It also helps distribute things throughout the Internet world. Java also helps you create new applications on your computer. Java is safe and sometimes required for certain websites and links online.
  • Creation of Google

    Creation of Google
    Google was invented by Larry Page and Sergey Brin on September 4, 1998. The two guys wanted to create a new search engine for people to use. They made it user-friendly and made sure it processes quick results. Google can be used for anything, from looking up information for a school project, to googling directions for vacation.
  • Skype

    The videochat app Skype was created on August 29, 2003. Niklas Zennstorm from Sweden and Janus Friis from Denmark created it. Skype is a program used to virtually talk to someone over the Internet via the webcam on your computer.
  • Invention of iPhone

    Invention of iPhone
    The first iPhone was invented on June 29, 2007. Steve Jobs and 24 other Apple workers helped create the iPhone. It was created at the Macworld Conference Expo in San Fransisco California. The iPhone can be used for storing your personal inofrmation, taking photos, sending emails and texts. They never thought the iPhone would be such a big success as it turned out to be.
  • Anna's Event

    Anna's Event
    Computers have influenced me and without them in my life, it would be completely different. Computers have helped me with homework and things that I can do online. Last yeasr I had to do homework for a class and I chose to do it online and I used the internet to help me search things to put into the paper. With the internet I have been able to do many things to do at this time in my life.
  • Jordan's Event

    Jordan's Event
    The invention of computers and phones have drastically changed our lives. For me, the phone has changed my life the most. We couldn't find my grandfather for sometime & after years of searching on our phones we found him in California. Now, we keep in touch by e-mail, texting, calling and using FaceTime. If it was not for phones we would have never found him and now have contact with him. It is much easier now, for my family and I to communicate with him through technology then anything else.