Black horse running

Everglade Loses

  • Aug 17, 1376

    Hasan Born

    Hasan Born
    Hasan Samara is born and quickly reported to the Seekers as Phoenix.
  • Jul 30, 1400

    Eternos Born

    Eternos Born
    Crown Prince Eternos Forge is born to Horatio and Odessa Forge
  • Oct 4, 1400

    Cassian Born

    Cassian Born
    Silver Heir Prince Audrion is born to Cassian and Henrietta Everglade. Golden Heir Prince Richard was born only two years earlier.
  • Apr 12, 1419

    Eternos Crowned King

    Eternos Crowned King
    Prince Eternos ascends to the Drake throne, following his father's brutal murder. Eternos takes Essa Echo Whirlpool as his bride. Though neither Everglade nor the Gladian royal family were responsible for this crime, Eternos's suspicion that it could have been Cassian turns their childhood rivalry dangerous.
  • Sep 12, 1420

    Audrion Born

    Audrion Born
    Prince Audrion takes the throne during the tumultuous period following Cassian's death at Eternos's hands. Due to his unflinching control, he is sometimes called "The Iron King". Overwhelmed by his father's death, failing marriage, and young child, Richard abdicates. Audrion decides to rule alone, bypassing his brothers, and eventually reign with his first born.
  • May 28, 1422

    Cassian Crowned King

    Cassian Crowned King
    Following his mother's death on the battlefield, Prince Cassian takes the throne as Silver King, elevating his uncle Anthony to Golden King. As he was famously known for diving for pearls in Riazan for his future wife's engagement ring, he nearly immediately becomes known as "The Pearl King".
  • Feb 18, 1430

    Brian Born

    Brian Born
    Crown Prince Brian is born to Eternos and Echo Forge
  • 1437

    The Pearl War

    The Pearl War
    Eternos's aggression leads to a skirmish on Gladian soil. A short, brutal affair, it was named for the Pearl King after the violence took his life.
  • Mar 8, 1437

    Audrion Crowned King

    Audrion Crowned King
    Young Prince Audrion takes the throne following his father's death. Richard refuses to accept his place as Silver King, still reeling from his father's murder at Eternos's hands. Instead of ascending a different brother, Audrion decides to take the throne by himself. Due to this hardline decision, and his general nature, Audrion is sometimes called the Iron King.
  • Jun 3, 1437

    Helena Born

    Helena Born
    Helena Rainbird is born to Runa Rainbird and deceased fiancé Sebastian Shieldmark. As Runa does not wish to sully her family name with a bastard child, an easy way out presents itself when it becomes clear Helena is Phoenix. She piously gives her daughter over to be raised by the Seekers.
  • Dec 20, 1439

    Ketra Born

    Ketra Born
    Golden Heir Ketra is born to Audrion and Ivy Everglade. There is debate of her ascending the throne immediately, but Audrion decides against it.
  • 1440

    Frostfall Rebellion

    Frostfall Rebellion
    Nicholas Frostfall stages a rebellion against the ruling Forges. Though he starts with comparatively little manpower, it looks like he'll be on the winning side - until some of his allies turn against him. Eternos, victorious, executes Nicholas and his allies, leaving only their young heirs alive. These heirs are stripped of their titles and holdings, intended as bartering chips in marriages and bodies to fight wars.
  • 1442

    Kaede Born

    Kaede Born
    Crown Princess Kaede is born to Shui and his queen in Riazan.
  • May 3, 1445

    Rea Born

    Rea Born
    Princess Rea Greatly is born to the current king and queen of Carina. She is quickly revealed to be Pearl, and elevates Carina's status on the world stage.
  • Jul 14, 1447

    Fedor Born

    Fedor Born
    Fedor Skala is born and quickly revealed to house the soul of Paramour. The Royal Family takes a very active interest in his raising.
  • Jan 23, 1448

    Markus Born

    Markus Born
    Silver Heir Markus is born to Audrion and Ivy Everglade. As he has blue hair, there is immediate controversy over his legitimacy. The royal stance is that he is a genetic anomaly.
  • Aug 16, 1448

    Daphne Born

    Daphne Born
    Crown Princess Daphne is born to Brian and Kara Forge.
  • 1452

    Attack of Riazan

    Attack of Riazan
    Tagus uses resources from an alliance with Dragoon to invade Riazan. The lack of support from Riazan causes Loire to be utterly destroyed, leaving Tagus in control of all three island kingdoms. This vastly boosts the slave trade.
    Princesses Kaede and Noriko escape alive, but their parents don't survive.
  • 1453

    The Tagan Empire

    The Tagan Empire
    The Duponts establish the Tagan empire, freely trading elementist and traceblood citizens to Dragoon. Though many evacuate to Solkenton, not all escape this terrible fate. Riazan and Loire become arms of Tagus, being renamed Navari and Leon respectively.
  • 1458

    Light Elementi Rebellion

    Light Elementi Rebellion
    The long enslaved Light elementi in Dragoon attempt a rebellion. Those that aren't killed are forced to run, leaving previous elementi Tallith dead and new elementi Tanith and her mother fleeing into the wasteland of Laina.
  • 1462

    The Carinian War

    The Carinian War
    Dragoon invades Carina, and Everglade enters the war to assist. Eventually, Audrion and Ketra take the field. With Fedor/Paramour on their side, however, the tides are turned against the Carina Everglade alliance. Audrion sends Ketra home, and is killed in battle. Ketra returns and manages to evacuate Imperia, but stays behind and is killed herself when Everglade cousin, Amista, lowers the magic shields to let in Dragoon. Markus and Ivy survive.
  • 1463

    Drake Union

    Drake Union
    Dragoon assumes control of both Carina and Everglade, reducing them to territories managed by dukedoms. Fedor Skala is given Everglade, which is renamed Cypress, and Carina is given to the Legions and renamed Etruvia. Caltha retreats behind their walls.
  • 1465


    Laura steps through the portal and into Aurora's life. She was raised as a Seeker and was never Phoenix, sheltered and obedient to the cause. Learning slowly of Everglade's fate, she resolves to help the world even without her gifts.